This post might be a bit long.
It's 2014! What have I been up to? - Working in my parent's kindergarten - Taking Korean classes - My usual fangirling activities (basically watching videos of koreans) Working is really fun, I'm really attached to the kids. It's so great being able to hug little people freely and having cute kids play with your hair. Of course you have to overlook the vomit and them peeing on themselves. So my original plan was to work until mid feb, then go to Kansas City (where my brother is) for a missions course called YWAM. It's 3 months of learning, 3 months of loving and sharing God's love to people. I was really excited for this, buying all the warm clothes and what not. I was accepted by the organisation, and I was pretty much set to go. But then my Visa didn't go through. I woke up early in the morning to make sure I wont be late for my 'interview' (for a business visa to the US, this is needed). I had to surrender my phone and ipod. I went thro...