Back from the Aussie!

Heyoo peeeps! I'm back to this desert land. I wanna go back :'( I miss the weather. I miss running around with the Hoe family. I miss watching odeyssey(or however you spell it) every night. lol. If your kinda blur, i'll give you a little background. My mom wanted to go to aussie and she wanted me to tag along. I, on the other hand, didn really wnat to cos it'll mean that i'll miss the game between germany and sapin and the finals. Die you stewpit Paul octopus! I wanted orange to win. GRRRRR. ANW, i decided to go along.

When we were there, we stayed with my godbro's HUGE family. I'm serious. They could make a football team. They have 8 children, the last one being my godbro(that screamy little cute dude),and if you plus the parents, that's 10. Yea, i can see you gaping. Most of us can't even cope with one little brother. So anw, staying with them is a blast cos they're house is also HUGE, and it's the best place to play hide-and-seek. And it'll take ages to get bored>.< And they all sleep real late, wake up real late, bathe real late etc.. so it was awesome getting used to their lifestyle:D I hardly studied at all:O(cos they home school and we were playing most of the time) now i'm overloaded with work.

So anw, here's the highlights of the stuff we did there. On all the days, i played. :P cool highlight ehy? and we went to watch toy story 3 in the drive in. But halfway thru the movie i saw the screeen behind us was showing karate kid so i was like catching glimpses of both movies>.< We went shopping on this bridgeroad place or something which was nice too:D Bought three tops, a belt and a pair of shoes. They've got pretty awesome fashion but i still like sticking to my t-shirts for the time being:D. Besides that, we didn't do much.

Now, for food:P Thier mackers there is cool. Frozen coke<3! and they're slurpees there taste better too:D we were bugging they're dad to let us buy slupees just after we had like a really fancy dinner and it was like 9 degrees cos it was drizzling>.< :/ i just relised i've been talking about drinks. lol. the food there is okish. Our sushi here is better tho:D Since i like putting up dialogs, i'll just put up one. This was when we just arrived at about 1am and my 5yr-old godbro and manny were in the car waiting for us.

Mom: Hi darling! Come and give me a hug.
Godbro: *hugs my mom* Hi godma! Did you get me a present??

He's so rude>.< He also likes to slap ppl's butts and he's always pulling down his bro/sis's pants:/ thank god i was only there for a week. He alr started slapping my butt.

Cau! lazy blog di


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