
I like my title:D But anyway, today i achieved a new high score! WEEEE:D for bowling, i mean. 69 babe! how awesomee is that. I guess that's kinda suckish, acoording to professional standards, but who cares man? I bet i'm better than you:D the only dissapointing thing was that i got that high score with my parents they were nagging we saying how bad i was. everytime i hit a gutter they looked at me with this expression of utter horror. UGH. parents:/and i was smiling like mad. they thought i was trying to irritate them so they scolded me. :O oh well. Like, two hours ago i was at this neighbourhood get together thing. I was so lost. well, you see, i've never really had any heighbourhood friends. i even forgot the name of my neighbours kids, who are like the same age as me. SAD LIFE, i know. But, i made some new friend, which i haven't done in awhile:) strangely, i think home schooling has made me more sociable:o like, because i want friends so i'm sorta forced to get some. whatever.

i know this post must be of no interest of you, but i do it for the sake of myself anyway:D sho, bwuais! oh, and get me a birthday present:)


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