
IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE YOOO. But i opened most of my presents di. eheheh. All except my mom's one. (i wrapped it myself, so there's no fun opening it). Oh yeah. and my bro's gf one. I hope it survives till 2morrow:P So, i don't really have any exciting plans for christmas, yet. Someone invite to a partayy? :D

Yeasterday i just came back from church youth camp. I only update when i go for camps. ehehe:D I like saying eheheh. It's fun. ehehehh. Anw. In case you don't already know, my church is pretty diff. Like, Most camps would have loads of games and fun and burning marshmallows on this red thing called fire. But, nooo. Ours, no games. at all. But i'm used to my church kind things, so i expected it. We had to skip lunch for 2 days, which was fine with me cos i still ate(sneaked) :D The sermons were long. But this year there ws more speakers so that was awesome. You know our church is against nike products? D: I can see that look of horror on your face. YEAH. BE TERRIFIED. ahhaha, anw it's cos nike is a roman god of victory or something. If you really want to, you can google it up. But, you can just buy adidas, no worries. We couldn't play games there eitheir. I didn't even dare ask whether they have internet. They're sorta against the internet/fb too. AND. I BET YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS. We were halfway playing UNO. Like, that's like. like, THE MOST INNOCENT GAME IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Even more innocent then playing with barbie dolls! :/ And, they stopped us. They thought we were gambling. GOSH! ahahahh, like, sure, we're gambling with super colorful cards. i guess i can't blame them also la. They don't know how to play uno. Blegh.

But still, we had fun(: I brought dissapearig ink, pink and green snow spray and silly string. If you don't know what those are, you are missing a whole lot of good stuff in your life:P But anw, we sprayed lots of random ppl, besides having a spray war with ourselves. i ended up having green highlighted hair. HOW COOL IS THAT:D The place where we stayed had real waterfall, and we found a random guy in a bright orange shirt sleeping there. I think he was the gardener. We sprayed him:D and he didn't wake up. He'll sure get a surprise when he wakes up and finds that bright green moss sprouted on his back. I wish i could see his reaction. We sprayed another random guy too. HIS REACTION WAS PERFECT. We (me and a friend, julia) smiled to this guy and said bye very innocently. He smiled back and said bye.

us: do you wanna get sprayed? *sprayyyy*
Then he strated running as if he was on fire towards the exit:/ We didn't see him again. so weird. Others just looked really pissed. Some just ignored. But his was sorta the best:D

Sometimes i got bored and started drawing stuff. One was supposed to be a girl, But it ended up looking like a really gay shemale(seriously) and me and my friend was trying not to laugh but we were bouncing up and down so it was pretty obvious that we were laughing. And i think our pastor saw us. GULP.

I had to sleep on the floor. and the toilets were kinda gross. but okay la. At least our group didn't have to wach the toilets:D I ahd to do that LAST year though. That was a fail, i took like an hour to clean one. And my friend had to clean the toilet next to mine, which had like shit and a diaper D:

But all in all, it was a okay-good camp(: Learned lots f' stuff. To cling on to God and not be influenced my wordly bad stuff and to remind us that God is all that matters. It was encouraging to hear from all those passionate preachers. One thing they thhought which kinda inspired we was to be humble and never proud. I guess i'll have to work in that, ay? I don't think i'm a really proud person but it's human nature. right? :D

Falalalala to you all! I less than 3 you all! <3 I hope you got that. so. the only awesome-ish present i got(for now) is a ipod shuffle from my dad. wee(: It's kinda small though. oh wells. It still has that awesome beloved apple sign on it so i'm happy(:

Kbyeyooo! Don't expect me to update till like next year:P


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