
Well,hello. It's July. I'm not really sure how i feel at the moment. I'm sad, happy, confused, tired, all at the same time. Not very nice to be me :/ But i guess i've been pretty okay. Sometimes i feel so freaking frustrated at the whole world. But then i relise how blessed i am. I have a home, great parents, great family, great friends. There are people wayy less fortunate than I am. I guess we all sometimes take everything for granted..So I am going to be more thankful from now on :D

YAY. Okay. So what has been going on in my life? Not much that you would want to know. :P I just came back from singapore from this A.C.E convention. It was aweshummm. And pua chu kang came fro a surprise visit! But he was limping cos he had some injury ): But in a way that's good cos if he didn't injure himself, he won't get MC and he won't have time for little kids like us :P AND. I LOVED HIS SHOES. ANYWAY. The convention was mostly competitions and stuff. I got three medals, which is okay i guess. FIRST FOR REVERSI. I ALWAYS KNEW I ROCKED AT THAT GAME. MUAHAHAHAHHAH.>:D I made some new friends. They're all really nice (:

Oh and i went to Universal studios. that was pretty cool. except have to wait like an hour for rides. super ridiculous i tell you -.- GET AN EXPRESS PASS IF YOU GO. WORTH IT.

I'm thirsty. I'll try to post at least once a month. But that's a bit much to hope for. kbye. x.


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