WOW. and Korea.

Sorry man. I'm always too lazy to think of blog titles. and noone really reads my blog anyway :D because I post like once in two months :D The last was in July D: Oh well. At least i'm posting now. Sooo. THIS IS GONNA BE A LOOONGG POST. I have so much to tell you wonderful people. I just came back from Korea yesterday. One of the best trips ever!:D The whole thing was just SO MUCH FUN. Okay, so this is basically how it went.

Day 1: When we arrived, we went straight for the conference thing. Oh yeah the main reason why we were there was for this prayer initiative called PINK(prayer initiative 4 North Korea). The first session I nearly fell asleep cos I hardly slept in the plane. The night sessions were better. The prayer was really intense. Loved the room we got quite a lot. We didn't know how to on the aircon at first cos it was all in korean. ONE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW, HARDLY ANYONE THERE CAN SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH. It's so confusing trying to talk to them. There's like 5 second intervals between every few words they say :l And this time when we were in a restaurant, we didn't understand the menu AT ALL. so we were just pointing to random things and he'll stare at it for about 5 seconds then say. OOO. Chicken...LIVER. YES LIVER! and points to his liver. It was SOOO funny. But he liked us la. Gave us free coke <3 Eh but that was the last day. ah nvm.

Day 2: Kind of the same thing. Except we prayed more and prayed with more passion. They always bounce up and down when they pray :P Oh and there was this activist called Robert Park who came to speak and tell us about the torture the north koreans go through. Oh no my battery is dyinggg. 7% leftt. AHHH okay i continue tomorrow or the day after. OH TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY.OH NO ITS DYING K BYEEEE


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