
FALALALALLALA. Sorry but i'm not continuing from the last post. cos. I'm too lazy :D Anww. So. Um. I have no idea why I decided to blog. Things have been normal-ish. Actually, not really. I'm pretty confused. Charm is in NY now. lucky girl D: OH WAIT. SHE'S COMING BACK TODAY. YAYYYYY :D And I can't text jo which is so super sad. Joyce is on a boat. And I, of course, am sitting here doing nothing (: What a happy & interesting life I have (: Oh and I got clothes 4 my cat! HE LOOKS SOOO ADORABLE :3 !! EEEEE. Okay, so it was meant for dogs...but it was RM 5! :D The first one I got was too tight for him and made him walk really retardedly like a penguin xD and he kept falling down every few steps xD me and my mom were laughing like crazy :P so i got him a bigger one and now it's too big -.- But that's okay. cos he's SO CUTE :DD And he has like this calming power over me. Everytime I'm emo I just go pet him and I feel better. On mon I'm gonna visit his siblings at becky's house! (: Can't wait.

I should be playing in the winter snow, but imma be under the mistletoe. with you, shawty with youuu. -JB-

Thispostissolamesorrykthxbai. -Deb


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