PADAPAPAPA- i'm lovin it.


SO, the only reason why i'm updating this close to my previous post is because of a certain person named. HANNAH. HOOT!

I am currently helping her in Chem on Skype. She is telling me how great I am. pssh. As if I didn't already know. LOL anw you're a great person okay hannah love you lots i'll flatter you somemore tommorrow darling (;

SO ANYWAY, today was pretty flatonzicious. I just created a new word. YAY ME!
Me and Jo trolled Ashton. Made him believe Nublets was some kind of purple colored cereal that is like frosties and has squirrel shaped marshmallows. Cut a bowl from paper and put the squirrels ans nublets in xD Gave it to him during break. LOL CAN'T BELIEVE WE TOOK THAT MUCH EFFORT OVER A STUPID JOKE.

I made valentine cards for everyone in my class and some very.... special people 8} If you know what I mean... < im sorry that line has been stuck in my head the whole day thanx to some people < COUGH. SO EXCITE TO SEE EVERYONE'S REACTION WHEN THEY SEE MY BEAUTIFUL POST IT NOTES ON THEIR TABLE EHEHEHEHEHEHE.

I need to find my pink jeans to coordinate with jo's FABULOUS plan (Y)
I need Mr.ken to write my name in the log book because i smoked my kazoo in his class.
A kazoo is a musical instrument btw
Which kennot be smoked. AHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE.

K. I go make my valentine card for mr.ken now <3 KTHXBAI


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