Deeb day!

Look who's posting after two months! I've given up apologising for my lack of consistensy in yeah. Here's a list of some things that have happened/are happening in my ever exciting life.
  • Fell down at sports day
  • Married Reena
  • Got 5a's in the last topical tests
  • Didn't fail Add Math
  • Start a picture diary (inspired by boey! go check him out at
  • New student in class, half italian half malaysian
  • Mike left
  • Got a new nickname that I really like. (look at d titile of this post)
  • Hear really unexpected news that my friend's mom is pregnant
  • Might be wallpaper-ing my room at the end of this year! Really really excited.
And this month is my birthday month! My birthday is coming up in like 3 days. EXCITE. I'm going rock climbing with some of my best buds (and wife). And here is a list of things which you are not supposed to get for me but I would like very much ^^ Please dont feel obliged to get me a gift of any sort. A wish and a hug would be as meaningful as a lifelong supply of cheese! (actually not really but yeah)
  • A hairband/hair ties/bobby pins. I easily lose hair accesorries...and a lot of other things.
  • Smooth pens that are nice to write with. (0.5/0.7)
  • Storybooks
  • Clothes/accesories! (If you're reading this you probably know me well enough to know what I like to wear)
  • Someone to teach me how to use itunes and everything else on my ipod
  • Cheese. Any kind.
  • Funky stuff. I'm in love with unusual, fun things.
  • Believe album by Justin bieber
  • Personal gifts! Personal gifts are probably gifts that I would treasure the most (:
  • You, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon (;
There you go!

Anyways, my German relatives are around. They're really different from us, their lifestyle and all. Germany is a beer country, so they brought lots down, including other alchoholic drinks. They've introduced me to the best kind of all time. Bailey's Irish cream. Freaking amazing. They also drink coke with whiskey and kickapoo with beer. Yesterday, they cooked us an absoultely yum dinner. Sausages, pasta, salad...bread with a variety of cheese spreads and was just too good. I love it when they're around, we get the best food and they also give us goodies and cheese that we cant get here. I LOVE THEM.

Oh and the reason they're here is for my grandma's 90th birthday celebration. We're hosting this big restaurant event for her friends and other relatives. I'm missing chic pop and pyramid for it :( But I guess family should come first, plus you never know how many more years you'll have with your grandparents.

Kai Jun came to my school today! was so excited to see him I really hope he comes to my school next year! :D

kthxbai xoxo deeb


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