HEY GUYS. So i haven't updated in ages mages forever times infintiy and beyond. But I've graduated. This deserves a blog post at least. Graduation means a few things. 1. The end of my time in Arrows. Throughout these two years, I've made a bunch of close/good friends whom I'm really grateful for. Each and everyone one of them has left a mark on me, be it a big huge dent or just a small fingerprint. I'll definitely miss those in my class the most. The moments we had were just so precious. I'll feature some of those whom i think have left the biggest impression on my life. :Hannah. My first ever friend in class. She's constantly kept me amused. I've enjoyed all the chats and laughs I've had with her, i will really never forget you :) Hanging out at my place, your place..those were great times. I know I wasn't as close to you this year, but really thanks so much for the hugs and the help that you've given me :Paul Mae. She's al...