

So i haven't updated in ages mages forever times infintiy and beyond.

But I've graduated. This deserves a blog post at least.

Graduation means a few things.

1. The end of my time in Arrows.
Throughout these two years, I've made a bunch of close/good friends whom I'm really grateful for. Each and everyone one of them has left a mark on me, be it a big huge dent or just a small fingerprint. I'll definitely miss those in my class the most. The moments we had were just so precious. I'll feature some of those whom i think have left the biggest impression on my life.

My first ever friend in class. She's constantly kept me amused. I've enjoyed all the chats and laughs I've had with her, i will really never forget you :) Hanging out at my place, your place..those were great times. I know I wasn't as close to you this year, but really thanks so much for the hugs and the help that you've given me <3 nbsp="" p="">
:Paul Mae.
She's always been there to brighten up my day. I respect her for how she seems to love everyone :) I'll probably never meet someone as crazy as her. It's been so great to know you la poms to the toms. Thanks so much for everything!

MY FAITHFUL STUDY BUDDY. She's been such a great person to know. She's so organised and i really respect how she gets things done even though she's really stressed and everything and she's so willing to help people. I'll miss you tons. Hanging out with you and your cats is so relaxing and great. Thanks so much Nat.

Even though I only got to know her this year, it's been amazing. She's someone i can really trust and even though we're quite different, i love my chats with her. She has similar values to me and i thank God for giving me a friend like her. I've learnt from you Mary. I really hope we stay close :)

Im so glad to see her change from last year to this year. I'm thankful to have a friend as warm hearted and caring as her. Love you mama quah!

What will our class be without would be rather miserable. Thanks for all the laughs and everything else Jaedon! You've been a great friend. I'll probably be smiling at every memory of you so ya.

Thanks for being a great friend and always ready to listen la DIP. You're amazing. Im sorry for being so utterly racist but u know that is chew's special way of showing affection. We'll still be climbing every now and then so i wont miss you!

:Jonathan Tan.
It's incredible that we still keep in contact after not seeing you for ages. It's been too long. Come back soon bro.

Thanks so so much for the lessons I learnt through you. Im glad we're still friends!

:Steph. (WITH AN F)
YOUR CALLS. No one else in arrows called me as much as you. Thanks for doing life with me :) I really hope u become a concert painist! I'll still be hanging out with you lots i hope so im not going to miss you yet.

This guy. I've looked up to you since MAC camp. Your amazing heart, love, and passion for God. Has encouraged me in my own walk with God countless times. You're the kindest nicest person ever. Thank you for letting your life speak volumes. I'll definitely miss you.

Not even my class but I'm so glad I got to know you through Arrows! You're so lame but its like the lame that is still funny. I looked forward to talking to you after school and it's sad that we only got close at the end of the year :( Thanks for being someone i can trust and #zebra4lyfe and fav #debber. And for making me happy c: (like u liked all my kpop photos and everything you're too freaking nice) I hope I wont have to miss you because we'll still talk and hang ok? ok.

My wife/ex-wife. Not sure of our current status but its been/still is a great married life. I'm so proud that you've achieved so many things while in Arrows. Enjoy your last year and dont stop being amazing! Thanks for also teaching me new things and being a sweet darling. love you <3 p="">
Wasn't close to you during your time in Arrows but so glad to have found you, you who understands my fangirling heart. ahahha i'll be seeing u in korean classes!

:Zachary Suwito.
Korean. Pretty face. You and paul mae. Not sure why you guys didnt mind me hanging out with you both but it was fun. I hope we still keep in touch c: Help with add math/math. Im here.

You're so irritating and lovable at the same time. Thanks for our talks, i'll miss that. I'll definitely miss seeing you. Not that you came much to school anyway.

You're going to be a legend in Arrows. So much potential. I'm honored to have known you and be a part of your life.

:Liz Chu.
I LOVE THIS GIRL. Another legend. Thanks for your hugs and your love and im excited to see what you will become in the future!

:Isabel Fielder.
Your hugs. But I'll see you in church so no long post.

:Ms. Christina.
FAVORITE TEACHER FOR LIFE EVEN YOUR NAME STIRS UP MY EMOTIONS SIGHHHH. Yeah basically i only studied chemistry and biology because of her and how she made our classes interesting and i couldn't possibly not do well when she takes that effort to teach us. I love you.

:Mr Harry.
Thank you for teaching us to the best of your ability even with just your 6 months with us. For sharing your life with us as well. You and YY. so cute.

:Ms Jo-Ann.
I'll miss your stories a lot actually. Thanks so much for caring for us like your own!

Yeah i think that is mostly it. I actually regret not nurturing more relationships, too busy fangirling. HAHA.
But I've been blessed with great friends and leaders, and I'm grateful.

2. A big leap to a strange area.
For so long (13 years including kindergarten) all I've known is to study, do well for exams, follow the school syllabus. Now I get to actually chose what i want to do. I get to choose my future. I can chose to work at Starbucks or I could work at my parent's kindergarten or i could do missions or I could go to college. If i chose college there's like 5 courses to chose from. SO. MANY.CHOICES. Not used to it. But i'm excited for the future, and trusting God to show me what he wants to do. God has been with me throughout this whole time and I'm just crazy thankful that he hasn't abandoned me even though I've walked away from Him.

ok graduation probably means a few other things but it's 2am and I still in the midst of IGCSE lolololol. Last paper on tuesday. And i chose to update my dead blog now. Talk about good life choices.

Hey Jo or Lynn if you're reading this, I didnt put your names cos I met you both before Arrows. And there;s too many things to write for you both <3 p="">


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