First two weeks in YWAM Perth

I’ve been here in Perth for two weeks! Missing everyone, but I’ve been busy here too J the base her is great, with friendly people and good food. The dorm where I am staying holds 50 about ppl, so it is pretty hectic but fun too! The first week was more chill, getting to know one another through beach trips and movie nights. We have great staff as well as my fellow friends. There are 29 of us altogether, and we represent  11 differents nationalities. It’s really beautiful seeing so many different  nationalities here, talking about different  cultures and worshipping Jesus altogether with the same heart. On the first week the theme topic was ‘Hearing The Voice Of God’. I learned so much. Our speaker, Matty Taylor, made sure that the first thing we knew was that God wants to speak to each and everyone one of us. He told us to make sure we don’t compare with others concerning when and how God speaks, because He speaks to each of us all differently, depending on how would be better be able to relate to. For example, for a movie lover, God would be able to speak to that person through the movie. Matty told us that Hearing the Voice of God takes practice. He gave us a easy-to-understand example. In old fashioned radios, one would have to carefully and slowly tune into the right channel to hear the best sound. That’s how it is listening to God’s voice. At first you just hear fuzzy sounds that don’t sound like anything at all, then slowly u can kindof hear some sort of melody, then finally it’s all clear. Also, we learned that whatever we hear, it has to be checked with the Word. But just reading the Word isn’t sufficient , the Word is just meant to lead us to the One who speaks. For the second week, the theme was ‘The Nature and Character of God’, taught by Cliff Wiener.  I enjoyed this week so much. Being a Christian my whole life and listening to sermons week in and week out, I had a pretty good head knowledge of who God is and his character. But this week, It became so much more personal. Cliff kept challenging to ask “Who really is God in MY life? Do I really believe I can trust God? Do I REALLY believe that He forgives and accepts me?” I was surprised to find that many of the things I knew the right answer to, was not the same answer I spoke in my heart. Now I have become so much more sure of the God I believe in, that he really does care for me, His love for me is uncomprehendable, He actually likes and LOVES me, and that he is absolutely patient.
Waking up at 5.30 for morning exercise is probably the biggest challenge for me here because if you know me, you would know how great of a morning person I am….not.... but it’s good, gets your body going up and about for the rest of the day! Afternoon chores are rather enjoyable, as I’ve always found washing dishes sort of therapeutic.
If you’ve been praying for me, I really appreciate your support for me!
Please continue to pray J My parents are more than amazing for supporting me financially, but if u want to contribute….well….come to perth and buy me some Asian food. I would appreciate that so much.

Love you guys hey 


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