Exciting times

I've been here for five weeks? LIKE, WHAT. Time flies.
I haven't posted pictures yet so here's one, and there's more later :)
This is my whole school! As you can see, they're a fun bunch. They're all so different but i love that we all complement each other and we learn from each other in different ways. I'm so thankful to be stuck with such a neat group, I feel really comfortable with them, they inspire and encourage me in my walk with God and with how I relate with people :D

Since the last time I posted, we've learned/experienced SO MUCH. Firstly, there was the topic of Repentance and Forgiveness. Man, so intense. For the whole week of lecture I was just feeling the weight of all my sin, really wanting to gain total freedom. I also realised that I had to ask forgiveness from my parents for some things that I didn't even realise i held against them in my heart. This week was like some serious soul searching going on man. On Friday, all of us wrote things we needed to repent of and things we needed to ask forgiveness and give forgiveness to on a piece of paper. Then we went up in front of the whole class and repented and extended forgiveness. I was so amazed at how God prepared us to be so open and broken. I repented of things that no one else knew before that, and it brought so much freedom. It was a day full of tears, but so worth it.

Then there was Intercession & Worship. I understood in a clearer way the reason why as a child of God,  I need to pray for others. Also I learnt the reasons on why we worship and the effect it has on us. That was cool. Another really interesting thing I learned was that intercession is meant to be a flowing thing, when one person prays, another one picks up the pace and adds on.

 Lastly there was Lordship. Our speaker for this topic was crazy, no joke. He's a 50 plus year old man who wears Vans, checkered shirts, and jumps and screams like I've never even seen from a 12 yr old. This topic is my favorite one so far, because I learned so many new things and it was so cool seeing everyone getting set free from bondages and hearing from God spot on. The basic focus of this week was that we were looking at jesus as LORD, and not just a personal saviour. We had to lay down things that were hindering God from having his top place in our lives, as well as making some commitments. I am giving up kdramas for a year (those of you who know me for the past 2 years would know how much of a sacrifice this is) as well as committing to reading the bible every night for at least the whole of my time here. So far I have been successful praise u jesus!

jump shot holla
                                           all the koreans in the school yes i am part of them
                                          cool back shot that u would probably see on my insta someday
Selca cuz asian

and lastly my one on one leader just cuz she is amazing, cute, and is reading this. luv u Alee <3 nbsp="" p="">


Deborah Chew Suan Lei
PO Box 8501
Perth Business Centre, WA 6849

You would really make my day .

And if you want to send me a whatsapp just to say hi, send it to my aussie number: 0450144209 :) 

Love u guys HEAPS. 


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