Almost halfway.

The third month is approaching, which is the middle line. I'm constantly left in disbelief at how time cheats me.

                                         Sunrise just outside the building I study in (ywam base)

I've really been enjoying my time here. Every week there's so much to learn, not just from classes but also from the people around me. The topic of Relationships was pretty sweet, and so was our speaker for that topic. She has a ministry that reaches out to kids and youth in Thailand. I will be going to Thailand with 7 others for the 'outreach phase' of my time here, so it was great that she got to talk with us about the customs and culture of the people there; informing us of the 'okays' and 'not okays'.

The week of 'Father Heart Of God' was so impactful. Our speaker, Dave, is someone I felt so comfortable with and able to share to without fear. It was on this week that I realised I have an issue with jealousy. Without really noticing, I always compare myself to others (especially in terms of talents/achievements) and this kept me trapped in self rejection and discouragement. On this week, I chose to accept that I am good enough and that God treats me as His FAVORITE.  It's not like this mentality of jealousy has magically disappeared, but it is fading, and I'm grateful to God for that.

Unity was this week's topic. There's so many things that can go wrong when people are involved. With Jesus as the glue though, we become stronger than ever. We learnt that unity commands a blessing, that God's power is poured out when we choose to forgive,reconcile, and love others. This week has really made us closer together as a team, without even team games or anything of the normal 'work together' sort.

In about 4 weeks, I will be heading to Thailand and Kolkotta! Our team consists of 8 people. There are two other teams, one going to Philippines and Kolkotta, and the other to Nepal and Kolkotta. We are getting more and more stoked for it! Many of us don't have enough finances at the current moment to bring us there, though. Every morning we've been waking up early to pray for God's provision. We've been seeing money come in, but a lot more is needed. Some of us have been holding cool fundraisers (car washes, selling food) to do our part in trusting God.

All of us have a heart to go out into the nations and share Jesus and all that He's done in our lives. We want to show His love in practical ways too. If you would like to contribute in money and play a part in making a difference in these nations, please do let me know! Facebook, e-mail... :)

Here's a little video that one of my Korean classmates put together! You'll be able to see the people I've been living with and some fun moments of us ;)

to end the night :
                                     Me and my taiwanese friend Esther who is the cutest ever
love u guys :)


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