Its the new year! New year, New start, new friendships, new experiences, i'm looking forward to them all.

But before diving into this whole new crazy year, let me review the highlights and crazy things I enjoyed from 2014.

1. Working in the kindi from January-April
The kids were totally cute.

My missions adventure! There's so many things I could say about the 6 months I spent with Youth With A Mission, but to put it in simplest form, its the best thing that has happened to me in my 17 years of life. God taught me so much, He really changed my way of thinking and looking at life. The biggest thing i think that I got out of this was learning to recognize His voice and obeying it. I got to see God absolutely transform people, and see so many things that many others don't. When you see people suffering in dire poverty in India, you really realise the important things in life and treasure everything you have. One of the other really big things that happened to me in DTS is security in who I am. So many of us struggle to find out who we are, try to fit in, try to be liked, doing things so that we'll be loved. But I learned to trust in God's love. I chose to listen to what God said about me and not give a crap about what others think, and that's changed me. I'm amazed at the small things I'm not afraid to do anymore. It is such a relief and freedom to be secure in God. I'm so glad my parents supported me and sent me for this.

3. Family
This year I felt I got to know my family better. Especially my extended family, which before this I only spent family gatherings and dinner with. But this year when i went to Germany for my cousin's wedding, I got to spend a few days of travelling and enjoying the european life with them. I learned that I have an amazing extended family who are also incredibly fun. And I also realised that I have a lot of white relatives.

4. I realised I am blessed with good friendships.
I was actually really touched, Paul Mae planned a surprise farewell before I left for my missions adventure for 6 months, and Joanna planned a surprise birthday party before I went to Europe. I've never gotten a surprise event before this year. Many people have a lot of friends but a lot of people also complain about fake friends. I'm so glad I have friends I can trust, be myself with, and know aren't fake but really care for me. Jo, I'm so thankful to you for always being here for me, you're an amazing support system who knows me well enough to deal with my shit and still sticks with me. Here's to many more years of our friendship. Poms, so so glad I got close to you this year. You're an amazing person. Some people dont see that and try to bring you down, but dont let them affect you. I love you. 
                                            surprise farewell
                                                            poms <3 p="">
                                                joey and some enlarged gold fish in specs
                                                  thanks chii for this pic it is cute
                                                  surprise bday party
There are a lot of other people I'm grateful for, like Lynn, who is also always there and I've always had a certain fondness towards you (im sorry if that sounds creepy) HAHAHH but you're really funny and just great. Then there's Becky, I didn't get to spend much time with you this year, but you're amazing and beautiful. Carmen. thank you for being my bible reading buddy. even though you failed after awhile..... HAHAHAH. I FINISHED MINE !!!!!

oh then of course there are my ywam friends. 

this will take longer than i thought....

Marie-Anne, MA! So grateful for you la, thank you for taking care of me and being honest with me and just being like an anchor for me during my time in DTS. Im so glad I got to know you better, you are TRULY and amazing and inspiring person. SO blessed to have seen you grow and become a cooler person in 2014. 2015 is gonna be so fun for you. 
Alee, my 1 on 1! I learned a lot from you and thank you for listening to me and giving me good advice. I enjoyed out times together and you were easy to talk and relate to. There's still times when I remember what you said or illustrations you've given me and im grateful for that. see you on snapchat :P 
y are u always so cute alee
i have so many selfies of u on my phone even tho i've deleted so many alr

Jada! THANK YOU FOR APPRECIATING MY HUMOR. seriously, not many people enjoy my lame jokes and it made me feel so good when you laughed at my jokes hhahah! now that my mind is on you....i miss your australian accent :( I learned a lot from you, and thank you for being so open and transparent that inspired me to do the same. you are truly an amazing person. 

Kayden Unni! Im so so so grateful to you for taking care of me and i really enjoy talking and being with you. You are so pretty inside and out. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO COME TO MALAYSIA! saranghaeeeee ~
                                                       Kayden Unni <3 chororrooonggg="" p="">

 There's so many others like Esther, Betty, Alana, Jen, Miao, Janet.... but I'm getting really tired of typing and finding pictures HAHAH but i just hope all of you know how much you mean to me and how much you've helped me grow. Thank you for showing me Jesus through you guys. you guys are all gems and world changers. 

ALRIGHT. SO 2015. 
here's what im looking forward to:

1. College
I'll be taking Early Childhood Education in MCKL. 

2. Getting better in the korean language
thank you Anna Songsaeng nim  for teaching me so far :) you're a wonderful teacher

Here's my aims for this year:

1. Pray more.
This will set my focus more on others and God's heart for them.

2. Serve others more. 
Take effort to take care of the people around me. Family. Friends. 

3. Be wise with my money.
Not casually spending money on things I like. expensive Cakes, coffees....keep that limited

4.Be fearless.

5.Be what God wants me to be. 

I can tell 2015 is going to be a good year, because I'm more determined to make good decisions. As cliche as this sounds, this year is only going to be as good as you make it. Make the right choices. Choose your friends. Love wisely but generously. 

xoxo ill blog again in like February or maybe September, who knows?


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