Give me a high 5 for 2015

My blog has become a place wherein I tell you about one year, and the things I look forward to in the next.

so imma get right into it.

College for me this year:

So this year I started my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. I was really looking forward to college at the beginning of this year. After like 2 weeks, that excitement died down. I was kindof bored for 3 months, as my intake only had 9 people, and I felt a little sad that the A-level and AUSMAT students in my college seemed to be having all the fun. I felt like, oh my god, I walk around college and I know nobody...tis is sad... But then the new ECE intake came in and it felt much better to have more people to talk to. I also joined CF, helped in CF camp and in some other cf revo initiatives. There was also the Acts revo group that did a whole bunch of stuff to bless MCKL students.

Things I'm looking forward to in college next year:

  1. Being vice-president of the Early Childhood Society. I haven't had many leadership roles in my life, so I'm looking forward to being able to grow my leadership skills through this role that I've been elected to. 
  2. Practicals. From January- March, I will be doing my Taska practicum in an international school. Pretty hyped up for the hands-on experience I'll be getting.
General areas of growth this year:
    1.  Commitment to responsibilities. Before this year, I always tried to avoid responsibilities. I felt they were burdensome, that they stopped me from being free... and maybe also cos I was lazy. This year, I challenged myself to serve in 2 areas in church (Kids ministry and Ushering), some minor roles in CF, being class representative for some classes  as well as doing my part in group assignments and taking the role as leader in group assignments wherein others did not initiate. In my opinion, I fulfilled my duties fairly well even though I know that I could have definitely done better. Through these, I am now more willing to take on more responsibilties and more open to contributing in areas of interest and need. 
    2. Open minded-ness and accepting people for who they are. I've realised that people are wired differently, people have grown up in different backgrounds. I realized I'll be a lot happier if I just chose to respect how people choose to live and their opinions. 
    3. Being true to myself. For the most part, I didn't alter who I was to please anyone. I was very comfortable being myself this year, and doing my own thing without assurance from anyone. 
    4. Hearing and following God's voice. Since my 6-months-on-missions-adventure in 2014, this year (2015) was when I got to practice a lot of what I learnt during that time. Although I would have liked to practice it a lot more, I still grew. I'm determined to grow a lot more in this area in 2016.
What I wish I had done and will work on in the year 2016:
  • Manage my time better
I just wasted soooooooo much time. Watching snapchat stories, scrolling through instagram. Precious time wasted just like that. I'll be turning off my phone for a few hours everyday next year. I think it will do wonders to me. 

  • Manage my money better  
I didn't buy a whole lot or splurge....but i just dk where my money went to. I need to start doing my own account of my spending.....

  • Do more for others
I feel like I received a lot of love but I didn't give as much as I could out. I want to love on people more in 2016.

I'm sure there are other things.... but I'm sleepy at the moment and you, reading this, are probably bored as heck. 


see you again on the 31st of december 2016, where I will evaluate my year once more. 


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