Jesus can work through anyone!
It's only the 4th day of the year and I'm already writing the second blog post of the year..??? No way..???
Yes way.
This is because something happened today that was special. I would normally write this in my diary for myself to remember. However. typing is a lot easier, and I hope I get to encourage some of you through this post as well.
On Monday nights every week, there are a bunch of Christians who come together from different churches with the intention of showing God's love and healing power to people on the streets. I've attended about 4 times before today. Today I wasn't super keen on going, as I didn't feel spiritually high or anything as I hadn't spent much time in prayer with God, or reading the bible. My brother had asked me to go though, I had no valid excuse to not go, I hate letting him down, and if I had stayed home I knew I would not have done much anyway... I went.
We split off into teams, like they normally do. I ended up being paired with an Australian ( i think??) dude named Chris who is pretty cool and has done this evangelism prayer thing a lot. We were doing this in Little India (Brickfields), near my college. Chris felt we should ask the people selling those temple prayer flower garland thingies if they had any pain in their body that they wanted prayer for. All of them said they were healthy or said No to whatever we were saying (cos they couldn't understand Chris' English or my Malay...HAHAH.)
Then we kept walking and praying...seeing if God would lead us to anyone or give us any words of wisdom.
I saw an Indian man sitting by himself with a cane and I said to Chris, "How about him?" Chris replied, "Yeah, you wanna ask him? Go ahead, why not."
So I approached him, asking him if he had any pain. He didn't seem to understand me and just pointed to two ladies who were sitting near him. The two ladies could speak English relatively well and asked me what I wanted.
Me: We're Christians, and we are going around praying for people if they have any pain or sickness in their body. Do you have any pain?
Lady 1: Yes, I have a lot of pain. I have a pain in my left calf that I have had for a month, sometimes its so bad I can't sleep. I also have pain in my back and around my neck area, for about 2-3 months.
Me: Well I believe God wants to heal you. I'll pray for your calf first. Lord, I believe you want to heal her. Take away all the pain in her foot. In Jesus name, amen. Ok...Now how do you feel?
*Lady 1 tries to move her foot and tries walking*
Lady 1: I feel a lot better!
Me: cool! How many percent better?
Lady1: About 70% better.
Me: Wow. Alright let me pray again. Lord thank you for what you have done. We ask for complete healing on this leg. Amen. does it feel now?
*Lady 1 moves her foot around...tries walking and stretching it*
Lady 1: Oh my god. It's all gone. (she then turns to Lady 2 and rambles on excitedly in Tamil)
At this point I'm just like... wow Jesus. You're cool.
At this point also the lady is pretty excited and she's like
Lady 1: ok now you pray for my back too! please! because its very pain.
So I start praying for her, about 1 min in I ask her how she's feeling, she says she feels better but the pain is still there. So I keep praying. I didn't feel like I should ask her how she's feeling just yet. I take my hand off her back and she says
"Please don't take your hand away. I can feel tingling in my body and it feels very nice. Put your hand back."
I was pleasantly surprised with that...and I just kept praying over her. I thanked God for what he was doing, thanked him for Jesus' work on the cross, thanked him that on the cross all our sin and pain has been taken away, thanked him for his grace and mercy. Throughout this time, she mostly had her eyes closed and seemed to be in bliss. She would occasionally say that she felt really good and she felt like she was in heaven. Once in awhile she would open her eyes and call her friends and husband and tell them about what happened to her leg, that we were praying for healing, and that she really got healed. Chris prayed for her friend that she introduced us to, and for Lady 2. He saw the friend get healed and I'm not sure what happened with Lady 2, but I heard her asking Chris to pray for her for peace... and then I saw her crying and thanking Chris a it must've been good. While all this was happening I was still praying for Lady 1.
Then I felt the need to tell her that Jesus is the only God. She had told me beforehand that she goes to church sometimes and believes in Jesus, but she is hindu. As I have been to india before, I have encountered people like her a lot. They believe in tons of Gods, Jesus being one of them. I explained to her that Jesus is the only true God. That he is jealous, and he doesn't like us worshipping other God's. Then I asked her if she wants to accept God as the ONLY true God and Saviour. She thought about it for awhile, then nodded. I asked her to repeat a prayer with me, accepting Jesus as her only Saviour. Leading someone into relationship with's so awesome man.
Then I asked her how the pain in the back was feeling. She said it was 90% healed. Praise Jesus!!!
Then we had to go as we ran out of time, but I got her number and the number of her friend, and they said they'll try to come to church on Sunday. They were super super grateful, bought me and Chris soft drinks, told me they loved me and gave me hugs, and said that God will bless us with long lives.
But what I really want to say from all this is, besides God being FREAKING AMAZING AND COOL, is that even though I felt inadequate, even though all I did was say simple prayers and believed, God used me to bring healing and salvation to this random person on the street, that is actually not very random at all, because God had it all planned.
I honestly didn't do anything, I'm not a great pastor or evangelist or a super holy person, I just believe in a really amazing, miracle-working God.
If you believe in Jesus.... I hope this encourages you. God really does listen to your prayers, and He can do miracles through you, if only you allow him to.
He did it through me, why not you?
If any of you are interested to come and join us on Monday nights on the streets, you can contact me :) It's a great place to have others join you in praying and blessing those in need. It's much easier when there's others doing it with you.
Jesus is good. good....gooodnight.
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