Greedy pig

I'm a greedy pig.

Not only referring to the glutton connotation of this statement... although that is partially true.
I can honestly say that for about a month, I haven't gone a day without thinking about cheesy wedges or the loaded potato bowl from KFC.

But putting food aside, wait deb can do that?
I'm also a greedy pig when it comes to what I want in life.

The 16 personalities website states this quite well for me. I highly recommend you take the test and read up on your personality type. You'll probably be surprised at the accurancy of some of the statements.

(Here's the link for my personality type, you can take the test by clicking the 'take the test' tab on the top left.)

This is what the ENFP (me) outlook on life is:

“Can't I fly helicopters AND be an oceanographer who writes songs and cooks?” It's a big world out there – perhaps even a little too big. ENFPs are fascinated by new ideas, both in terms of developments in fields they are already familiar with, and when new subjects come along. 

If there's a challenge ENFPs face when selecting a career, it isn't that they lack talent or options or drive, it's that there are so many things out there that are just cool.

^ ok tbh i do lack drive quite a lot in my opinion....

ANYWAY. If you talked to me for more than 5 minutes, I've probably said this. "Oh wow, that's so cool!"
I have this fascination for pretty much everything.

My interests are always changing. My dad says I'm a jack of all trades.. (I chose to ignore the second part of that statement which says i'm a master of none just because I'm also an overly optimistic person)

I consider almost everything I come across as a possibility of what I should/could do.

example 1:
I see people dancing. They look like they're having a blast and also dancing just makes people look so charming. I should become a dancer! I should take dance lessons!

then reality hits..

lol deb the only dance u can do is dab.

example 2:
My best friend is great with budgeting and planning and at finance and accounting skills. If I was good at that, it'll be super beneficial for my future. Maybe I should study finance??

reality says hi.

 Lol no who am i kidding...i'll just let her do my accounts.

example 3:
My latest example happened just a few minutes ago. I stumbled on a video on Youtube which showed deaf people hearing for the first time. In those videos, the audiologist is the one who switches on their cochlear implants which allows the deaf people to hear. It was so cool. What if I was an audiologist and got to witness people hear for the first time, right in front of me?

You get my point.

Last time, I used to get annoyed that I couldn't be other people. Other people just seemed cooler than me. However, in recent years, I've chosen to take another approach which is a lot more satisfying. Rather than constant comparison and trying to be like others, I'm coming to the place where I look at a person and say, "You're really cool. What you're doing is awesome." without feelings of jealousy. I've come to appreciate the beauty of who they are and what they do for just that. I've also come to appreciate that everyone is gifted with different things, but they're gifted with it to serve others. like...Thank God you're good at accounting cos I'm terrible at it and what would I do without you??

"It is for the common good. When we have different gifts, when no one has all the abilities, then we need to work together, and that in itself is good for us."  taken from

I still look at people and say they're cool. I look at them and say "wow hashtag inspiration" and take points on what they do well and try to incorporate good habits that they have for myself. 

So now i'm still a greedy pig, but in a much healthier form. 

I'm still greedy in the sense that I still have this wonderful wonder of the world, of people and what they do. 

but i'm no longer tied to the envy and jealousy that used to come with that. 

I've stopped saying "I wish I could be you" and started saying if i was you, I'll wanna be me too  "You're cool," and then in my head "I'm cool too". 
because if i said that out loud I would probably be judged as a narcissist which i am

I truly believe that contentment is one of the biggest keys to happiness.

Be content with who you are. You're special in your own way.


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