Average-looking people have it GOOD

People worship beauty. Girls all over the world try to look a certain way, be skinny, look pretty. Pretty girls on instagram get 9935987025 likes for being a pretty face (or having a hot bod)

Sometimes it seems that good-looking people have everything going for them. Right?


To all my fellow average looking girls, let me tell you why being average-looking is GREAT.

1. You don't have to deal with as many fake friends.
Ok I don't know how true this actually is, but my logic is this. From what I've noticed from my pretty friends, they are either super popular, get loads of guys wanting to be friends with them for the possibility of BGR (boy-girl relationship), or both. So they get girls wanting to be their friends just so that they can be friends with someone popular, and they get guys pretending to be friends but are actually chasing them for their looks. Then all these good-looking people (let's refer to them as GLP), have to sift through all these fake friends to find out who their true friends really are. It's tough work.

BUT FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME, you can pretty much rest assure in the fact that many of your friends are real. They must actually like you for who you are, cos there is nothing to attract other people to you besides your presence and character. The people around you actually like YOU for who YOU ARE, and not your looks. Doesn't that make you feel good?

2. You don't get as many perverts creeping you out.
This is one is definitely true, but it also depends on the way you dress. But also the thing is if I wear the exact same thing as another pretty girl, she is probably 70% more likely to get perverted looks and whistles thrown at her than I am. This is honestly the point that I am most grateful for, really. Many of my GLP girls get guys following them in malls, Guys following them on trains, whistles and pervy looks from men....the list goes on. It's scary for them, especially if they're alone.

I NEVER WORRY ABOUT THIS. Maybe also because i'm in T-shirt and jeans 90% of the time... I feel perfectly safe walking around malls alone, taking trains alone, doing everything alone cos guys don't throw me a second glance. Heck, no one cares to disturb an average-looking person.I feel free and secure.

Another part of this point is GLPs get lots of strangers messaging them on facebook or insta. Sometimes messaging really creepy stuff. Why? because they're GLPs. It's part of the package. Us? We get it once in awhile... but it's not something we have to deal with on a daily basis.

3. You get to have good guy friends who never fall for you.
I know this sounds funny, but I really think this is true. For good looking girls, once they
start becoming good friends with guys, 80% of the time the guy will develop a crush on the girl. and maybe confess. and then girl friendzones the guy, the guy gets sad. sometimes even the friendship becomes broken due to this.

We, on the other hand, get platonic friendships with guys easier. It's less complicated for us, less complicated for our guy friends...it's just so much easier.


If you're a Good looking person reading this, I know it's undeniable that Good-looking people do get a whole bunch of perks as well, but hey, I'm not one, so I'm not going to point them out. This post was fully to appreciate average-lookings.

But really guys and girls,whatever category you fall under,whoever you may be, you are created by God and you really are beautiful!


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