
this poem is the result of too much free time and my period coming up so just read it without judging thx

I've known you for years.
first day, white shirt, a shoulder on the wall.
you caught my eye.
you formed a complicated relationship with the girl next door
i formed a typical relationship with the boy next door
i heard and supported both parties till the end
u made me laugh and forget about him

our memories together are sporadic and random
we live largely separate lives
lies and laughs made you a phantom
you were a mystery i accepted
closed an eye to the truth u neglected

fun and games with the other guy
a bunch of things u said and did
previous ideas of u i struggled to apply
still at this point i could have left unshaken
then u stayed and i was mistaken

we talked about a subject i love the most
it really wasn't much, more of opaque to translucent
yet that little honesty completely disarmed me
u allowed me a peek at your heart
i mean we did talk about fart
maybe you're my cup of tea

i'm still trying to make sense of it all
even though i'm sure its all quite clear
i think i'm just clouded by fear
that i'll fall deep into those depressions
not like the sad feelings of dejection
but the ones that form on your cheeks
when our jokes give u the kicks

there are so many other important things in the world to care and think about, social issues, politics... and here i am writing a poem about idek what is this???  deb get a grip of yourself pls


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