Is moderation, really, good?

I am honestly one of the most "in the middle" people I know.

I have very few rigid viewpoints, choosing to see most things as circumstancial and subjective.
Even for my preferences, I have very few things I strongly dislike. I have a lot of things that I like, though.
I have almost zero drama in my life, other than let's say, conflicts inflicted and forced upon me in family situations. Otherwise, in the few times that I do feel unfairly treated, I always manage to find a way to justify that person (i.e that person must be going through a rough time, maybe she/he had a rough childhood...) and almost never take offense.
Other people seem to have strong opinions. I never feel like I have enough knowledge of absolute truth (and what even is that? that's a huge debate) to argue points. I say what I believe based on what I think and feel to be right, but I am painfully aware of how the things I'm saying may not be the absolute truth and many times I end up with "but, I don't know. Maybe you're right."
The people I get along with, hang with and are my friends are the most random people ever. Rich, poor, black skin white skin brown skin yellow skin, from the most conservative to the most liberal, those with tattoos and piercings, those who do drugs and casual sex, those who condemn such acts, babies and kids, to 80 year olds, musicians and artists, lawyers and doctors, homeless people and orphans. I just enjoy hearing people's points of views. Without having strict ones myself.
And while most times I think of this as a plus point, an advantage, is it really what is best?
I enjoy many things that my natural 'accepting of everything' nature awards me. Drama-less life, a wide range of friends, tolerance of everyone, and access to many viewpoints of the world.

But I wonder, does this mean I lack substance?
There is that quote that goes "Either you stand for something, or you stand for nothing"
Well, I do stand for Love (which is also incredibly hard to define and is subjective to everyone)....
But I mean, I know tolerance does no harm. But does it do any good?
And then the further I go along this path of thinking I need to start questioning morality and what really is "good" and "right" in this relative world we live in.

I need a point of reference. Something that is stable, unchanging. Which I believe is God and the Bible, which I personally believe is absolute truth.

I always believe that everything boils down to God and the Bible. It's a belief that's been ingrained in me from young. it is also a belief that I question. but I choose to believe it because I need a point of reference. Everything is too confusing without it.

I think that where I am in my journey of life right now can be explained through the parallel of the process I use personally of writing my assignments. After reading the questions I need to answer, I find sources that relate to those questions. I read and go through tons of information, straining out all information that I think is relevant. Then I start putting that information together and analyzing it. Then supposedly I form my own views and state them (which UNSURPRISINGLY, I lose marks on because forming my own views -as u have read above- doesn't come naturally to me), Then I state my conclusions.

In life right now, I'm going through the bulk reading. Just taking in all the experiences and conversations and differing perspectives. In my essay writing, this is always the most tedious and time consuming process. Perhaps it's the same for me. I don't ever feel I will graduate from this step to the next though, but who knows.

I have gone terribly off topic, but this post was fun to write. till next time. x


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