More updates

So I have about 3 more months left in this place that has been my temporary home.

I've moved into the stage of feeling a lot more reflective and considering all that has happened and all that I've experienced here.

Currently, I'm on placement (like an internship) in a nursery in Gloucestershire and really liking it. It's honestly something of a miracle that I'm able to wake up at 6.30 everyday without extreme dislike or disdain. The setting is really homey and the teachers and manger/directors there are lovely, I am so blessed. The children are a delight and I love the little conversations and funny moments I get to be a part of.

A few posts back, I mentioned that I had 2 important life updates which I feel are ok to talk about now:

1. My sister is pregnant with a second child and she is due in June, hopefully the baby will wait till I get back!!!! I love being an aunty and am so excited for the one coming!! I'm dearly missing my nephew and can't wait to see him as well.

2. I got into a relationship 5 months back. It's still a little bit strange saying it, like I've been single for all (excluding 6 weeks in 2012..) of my life so it's a big change. In 20 years, I've built up a lot of ideas and expectations of what I thought a relationship should look like, and seeing some of those come to fulfillment, some being exceeded and others fall to the ground is a very interesting experience. This is probably by far one of the things that I've worried over the most. I still worry, but I have done better recently in just surrendering it to God and resting in the assurance that He's guiding me and even though half the time I think I'm doing it wrong, I know He's still in control and has the best future in store for me.
The (lucky) boy is called Tim, he's British which was one expectation already broken, I always told my mom that I would probably end up with a chinese guy with spectacles hahaha. We are very similar but then also very different. I find him very interesting. I could probably say about 50 other things about him but I really don't think that's a good idea. Just know that at the current moment, I am very, very fond of him - and that kind of worries me a little bit. For me, now the relationship feels like it is at a point where if a breakdown were to happen, I would be deeply affected. A month ago, I could probably say that I could probably just get back up and walk away mostly okay. Now, I don't know if I can say that anymore. And that really scares me. Romantic love is a wonderful weird scary thing that I am still really struggling to comprehend. I am really rooting for us that we last a long time. :) (wow this is a bit dramatic for only 5 months i know but hey overthinking does take its toll).

Also, I've been so touched that I actually have amazing people in my life, like I get people from home randomly out of the blue messaging me to genuinely know how I'm doing, with no other agenda. I think that's ridiculous and consider myself so lucky and blessed to have people who love me. If you're one of those, thank you so much. It's been so uplifting.

I'm done with all my assessments and I'm only left with my 10,000 words research project left. I'm going to power through it with Jesus and am SO looking forward to being done!


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