I've got a degree

I have about 5 days till I head to back to Malaysia.

I'm currently staying in my friend (Clare Ward)'s house. I don't know what I've done in my life to deserve this honestly because I get to stay here for free, they helped me with carrying all my baggage from my halls, i've been having clare's mom great home-cooked food, do sodoku with her dad, and watching Love Island (such a terrible superficial show but the drama is so good omg hahahah) with Clare. The area around here is also so lush, it's full of trees and there's lovely canals scattered around. I don't deserve this and am appreciating and loving this time to relax so so much.

In my typical style, here are some of the things I want to remember from these memorable 9 months here.

- My birthday hangout with my brother & my now boyfriend to buy a skateboard lol
- My birthday party & first time @ a Club
- House parties at Flat 10 & a terrible period leak on a guy's bed (ask me about it in real life if you really want to know, it's a funny but terribly embarassing story)
- Joining the Christian Union, going for Weekend Away
- Going climbing @ The Warehouse, dislocating my elbow on the first time I went to boulder alone, and almost getting to go into an ambulance but they decided I wasn't injured enough.
- Going to A&E and to Oxtalls for physiotherapy for my elbow
- Asian cooking sessions with Cheryl and Izzy
- Cornwall trip with the HK guys! Gosh Cornwall is pretty
- Playing monopoly deal & movie nights with flatmates, having chats about life and love with Izzy Biggs & Lucy Hobbs in the kitchen/communal area/room
- Poking 2 pigeons out of Lucy's room using a ruler & screaming in terror
- Washing dishes in flat 10/Tim's house
- Eating parties with the Malaysians in Khai's house
- Aliff's mindfulness test and him playing the guitar at the back of chapel on the day I handed in my dissertation
- Handing in my dissertation with Timothy
- Climbing on the roof with Timothy
- First kiss at Pitville Park
- Trip to Sweden, visiting OG Ikea and experiencing Forest School
- Trip to Cambridge with SuWen & rushing my assignment that I ended up submitting 2mins before deadline.
- Mario's documentary screening about his mission trip that I attended with Laura
- Painting abstract ish butterflies with Laura
- Taking dandruff off Hannah's hair & late night chats in Flat 7
- Hiking with Izzy and Magus
- that conversation during a train transfer with a guy who just came out of prison, he offered me a cigarette, i offered to take his money. congratulated him for getting out of prison, he said prison life was hard. "Never smoke for 2 years and had to go for education everyday."
- Celebrating Roy's bday with Roy and Chris at Ginger and Garlic
- Playing dungeons and dragons
- Going for abbie scire's friend's EP showcase which was actually amazing
- Serving with Kids at God First & helping Johnny out with one session on Holy Spirit with the youth
- Picnic with church people at the park, Nandos with church people and Tom trying to act hardcore when he was dying from the african spicy sauce
- Gingerbread nativity scene competition in Emma's house (outcome was hilarious)
- Studying in the Old Library in FCH campus
- Presentation on management that I owned and was really confident and scored good marks. And the random coffee date with a random coursemate that I haven't really seen or spoken to since
- Eating Cheryl's korean food at Pitville
- Pitville study lounge is the best, occasionally bumping into Tolga and having fun chats with that brotha
- Skateboarding in the Promenade
- Cooking with Javi at my flat and just chilling and talking about life and my christian beliefs, his birthday party in Chiquitos
- Grocery trips to Lidl with Javi
- Eating with the Japanese girls at Park with Javi and Alvaro
- Spoons with Japanese girls, Julia, Javi and Alvaro, Ella
- CU & Godfirst GrubCrawls!
- That one time I went to Leisure to play badminton & felt that my partner in my duo team kinda liked me and saw my potential (i think highly of myself)
- Izzy's final performance & that other one about women aviation heroes
- Making siew yok with Rachel and Peditto
- CNY celebrations with rachel, peditto, cheryl and izzy and random old couples from church at the fancy house in MontPellier
- movie at Sam's tiny home with JP and Josh Kinghorn
- Painting, taking walks in Pitville park & great ice cream at the boat house
- New Year's Eve party at Tim's, fireworks from outside his room
- Christmas with Aunty Jenny, Aunty Susan, Aunty Judy, Uncle Andy and Modesto. German christmas markets, sleeping and mahjong
- Dates with my british cousins Tina and Alexis and playing with their kids
- Tim's 22nd bday, hiking up Crickley Hill, setting up the slackline at pitville park & going to Bristol & meeting his family & high school friends
- Pantomime and drama about university life by the drama society
- Worship nights and prayer @ The Coffee Pod. my absolute favorite!
- The Coffee Pod with ZW, Simon, Izzy and them helping me with groceries
- Ofsted Inspection hahah and just really loving work at Mighty Oaks Little Acorns
- Toby (4 year old kid at the nursery) saying "You are a good person. You are a good teacher. I like you." and "I don't like any of the teachers except her" *points to me* and asking me "What does chinese spaghetti taste like?" "What does a chinese home look like?"
- Tom (2 year old) smashing a snail on the ground, covering the ground with a mustard cream of it's body's contents and then him saying "debrah! It's wee! It's wee!"
- RJ (2 year old) pointing to the letter "M" I had wrote and saying "burger!" (McDonalds influence spares no one)
- waving to James O'Hara everyday when I stepped out the door for work, Bacon and Brie panini and chai latte at O'Haras is the bomb
- Avengers with Becky williams
- sledding with lucy, clare, brad and gemma
- playing pool (that one time) with st mary's people at FCH SU bar
- SU bar hangouts with CU people
- bbqs at tim's place, jamin burning the patties and me and dennis doing a slightly better job at it the next round
- BTP with tim and dad
- Dad coming down to see mom and me, me helping mom with assignments in swansea, going to the pretty park near BCW.
- Amsterdam, Belgium with parents
- Kingdomcity London, attending the first connect and getting to chat with Ps Jai and Ps Mark and Ps Mark praying for my injured elbow
- Cheryl coming with me to KC london
- Going to abigail ngu's graduation and her having a little snooze at my place
- Staying with Zoe Teh in London, fancy oriental speak eazy bar
- Staying with Andrea after KC london
- "shallow and deep" with Annabelle and her friends
- Wakame with azn gang and tim to celebrate me getting into the CELTA course
- going for the CELTA interview and Taster Day and getting in!
- walking drunk bethany home at 1am with Tom cowley
- Wine and cake with rebecca and Owain &... Andrea?
- Going over to Kathryn's because she called saying her friend was in love with me but when i got there she was pissed on the toilet floor so i friend them some eggs and made them hot chocolate but turns out they didnt like fried eggs so i ate it
- Peditto, ZW and izzy disturbing me in the library as i tried to do my diss, us dancing and prancing to asian music on the grass of FCH
- playing with snow with the malaysians @ FCH
- talking and chilling with homeless people (Mike and darren and some others who tried to use my phone to contact their drug dealers...), Darren kind of telling me to leave because my presence meant their inflow of money decreases lol
- bus rides with Lydia and Dean (talking about Grinder and I had a tiny turtle and 5 little speckled frogs)
- QiQi's mom giving me and lydia amazing malaysian home cooked food every thursday and friday. got siew yok and chicken feet once!
- Pizza Party with CU
- Giving out free donuts and fliers to the racegoers to raise awareness of human trafickking
- Hope for Justice women's breakfast, Amazing cakes
- Swansea with Tim and mom
- trip to birmingham, library was huge
-Roy singing Chandelier and Magus helping me pack all my stuff the night i had to move out of st mary's
- Oxford day trip with Hannah Cheah
- Pimms, monopoly & Mamma Mia with gemma and clare
- Ella's super pretty pinterest-worthy 21st party & dancing

Yeah I had some good times & met a bunch of interesting people.

Ok im super tired,
next post will maybe hopefully be about some of the lessons i learnt while im here.


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