goals for 2019

New year, new me ? typical, cliche, cheesy but i hope it's true.

Here are my simple enough goals for this year that I think are totally achievable. Challenging but at the right level.

Train my MIND :
Read a minimum of 2 books per month. Watch lecture series/educational stuff.

Train my BODY:
Compete in a Brazilian JiuJitsu competition, even if i don't win anything the process of training will be great.

Train my SOUL:
Focus on serving others, especially when I feel down about my life. Volunteer to serve in church and charities.

Train my SPIRIT:
Read the bible first thing in the morning, before checking social media and messages.

Additional goal: Don't use up all my annual leave days because deb you're not THAT weak, you CAN get up in the mornings and it's not morally right to say you can't go to work because "i'm not feeling well" when really you just stayed up till 1am chilling.


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