Review on 2019 so far

It's mid way point of the year, appropriate time to reflect on how I'm doing on my goals.

I would say I'm satisfied. I haven't full achieved them but I'm proud that at least I'm still trying and haven't given up.

Training my mind:
 I've completed (almost! one more chapter) 4 books so far (yes i know, it turned out 2 books a month is kind of unrealistic...) and I've also listened to psychological podcasts and engaged in some mind-challenging discussions.

Training my body:
I decided to stop Jiu-jitsu for a number of reasons. However, my main goal was to keep fit and healthy, do physical activity that will challenge my mental and physical strength. I am still doing that by going for various exercise classes on ClassPass (boxing, spin, strength training...) I enjoy the variety that it offers me and gives me more flexibility on when and where I want to train. I find that this works for me better!

Training my soul:
I have volunteered for The Victress Support  a couple of times and have given financially to church, missionaries and charities more than I ever have before. I am still working on putting others before me, and who am i kidding, this will be a lifelong journey of learning to give generously.

Training my spirit:
I was doing really well, I didn't even miss a day of scripture reading till May. I think since then I've missed about 10 days but I'm back on track. I have a whole line of Christian literature I bought from the Bethel book store so I'm sure that will help me grow in my walk with Christ too.

I've had my ups and downs this year but truth be spoken, it's been mostly an up!
My eyes are being opened to God's Amazing Grace and Unfailing Love so much and I've cried lots this year out of gratefulness for His goodness and mercy towards me. That's a big difference from last year.

America was a BIG UP for me, perhaps I will post some pictures and talk a little more about it next time.

Also, I'm trying this thing where I'm determined to stick to NO INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK (excluding messenger because i dont spend much time on that) for 30 days. I was inspired by a video posted by "yes theory" on YouTube, titled "Deleting social media for 30 days changed my life". I've tried social media fasts before, but usually failed/it only lasted a week or 2. This time it will be different. I know already that I will be progressing better on my goals and that this choice will benefit me in the long-run. I've already spent more time reading in these 2 days doing it. It's hard because it's such a habit of mine to tap on instagram and post stories and such.... and I use it as a mechanism to deal with loneliness and awkward public situations. It forces me to think and reflect more which is not always easy, yes it's often painful.

I hope with the time that i usually spend on social media to translate into me reading more, thinking more, painting and creating more. I hope to be able to write a simple children's book and get that published. Who cares if it does well or I even sell more than a couple of copies.... I want to do it for the experience and for the children that it does reach! (I do work in a kindergarten owned by my parents that gives me access to more than 240 kids.... that's a pretty decent start.)

Here's to drawing closer to Jesus and dreaming bigger with Him!


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