2020 - its turning out wild

2020 is turning out to be W I L D. 

It's only April, but i'm writing from home, where I've not left my house for more than a month (excluding the ONE grocery trip). This of course is very unlike me, but it my submission to crazy corona. This virus is truly amazing and terrifying all at once, it's changed the lives of almost everyone on earth. There's mass deaths, tension, confusion, and economic disaster. It all feels very uncontrollable, and I'm sure many are feeling a lost of security. The poor and vulnerable are exposed to even higher risks now, and those who were living comfortably are forced to deal face-to-face with the equally scary world of introspection. This is the situation that I know is real for many, but for me personally, my experience has not been so much doom and gloom. 

There has been so much good in this, and I've made sure to fill my social media feeds (my main info source) with uplifting, wholesome content. Yes, I know the world is suffering, and I am praying and giving financially to those in need. However, I want to focus on the positives. There has been so much unity in the world through this. We are all facing this hardship together and if you know me, I'm a fan of unity, being part of a team and working together to achieve a goal. The goal for this season is strong and clear: GET RID OF THE VIRUS. It is heartwarming to see countries come to the aid of other countries, against this mutual enemy. There have been so many people who have stepped up to help others, in the big ways (pay-cuts/huge donations) and in the small ways (buying groceries for the elderly, supporting small local businesses)... I really believe this time is magnifying and amplifying everything. It's zooming into who we are personally, and as a society. It's bringing out the best and the worst to light. 

For me personally, to be honest, I've actually been having a lot of fun. I'm trying to milk this season for all that it is, because it is SO UNIQUE. Who knows when we get a time like this again? I'll talk about some of the things I've been up to, and if you want it in picture/video form, head over to my instagram which is basically a complete documentation of my life. 

1. Climbing my stairs (i miss climbing so much) 
2. Practicing handstands (trying)
3. Working out almost everyday! (i'm really happy about this, i really look forward to the feeling i have after workouts, the energy  and happy feels it gives is amazing!!) 
4. Suddenly getting connected to my neighbour whom i never really talked to before this, and working out with him LOL 
5. Catching up and checking in with many of my friends around the world. I've had many good catch ups and chats that I wouldn't have had if not for this situation. 
6. Meeting Jesus in the BIBLE, dude, The Word is where its at. honestly, there's so much christian and church content, which is often good, but just reading the pure word of God is where the power really hits. 
7. Playing online games with friends (#tb to pre-teen/teen days) and Brawl Stars
8. Painted my cat's wall with pretty hawaii-inspired circles!! really happy i finally did it, been wanting to put paint there for years!! 
9. Trying to hatch eggs in an incubator... i waited for 23 days, it did not work and we made them into a bad-tasting omelette today 
10. Climbing my wardrobe 
11. Videoing myself a lot (kindergarten lessons) 
12. Learning to edit/ editing those videos 
13. Went on Omegle and I met an actually really nice guy from Nepal and now we're pals on the gram and google hangouts, he has the cutest smile and flies planes, a little crush on my side i think 
14. Eating a lot with the family. Its pretty interesting working with the whole family in the house. It does get stressful sometimes but I have my own room to retreat to! 
15. A bit of Netflix (Terrace House, The Circle) and reading (Lioness Arising and God's pursuit of man) 
16. I danced to people's song requests hahahha im a shit dancer but it was a lot of fun! 
17. a lot of instagram basically 

That's been most of my month. I'll get stuck into more work (recording and editing) soon, but these are a few more things I want to achieve before this MCO ends, besides continuing the above: 

1. Work on a new language (Japanese probably) 
2. an ig live?? 
3. Look into free online courses, pick one that interests me and study it hard! 

Alright im ded now, i went from writing fairly eloquently to just being a tired 4am shit, thx for reading this far if u did, u must actually care about me and i appreciate that xoxo ,



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