i wish i would stop being so random

seriously, i mean, if u read the last post, every single random topic that comes to my brain i type it out. The topics have no connection whatsoever. it's like i'm being controlled by my brain.


wait, i think we're all controlled by our brain right?

um, yes. i think we are. ANYWAY, if u were wondering about the last post, i actually posted it at 1:45am. now i'm sorta posting this at 2. there's something wrong with the timing of this blog.

A normal person would have changed it straight away, but i don't know how. POOP.

THAT'S it. i suck at blogging. or rather i suck at changing blog time. oh whatever. i might as well sleep before i post another random thought of my life that probably none of you all would care to read:D


This blog is purely for my entertainment. * looks at blog* woahh. i'm soo amused.


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