welcome to the blog, yo!

yeh. well, as you all probably have figured out, this is my blog. it's new. and i didn't make it. charissa did it all:P in the first place i didn't even want to make my own blog. Charissa was very obviously bored. i mean, i hardly know her(no off). Then suddenly she does everything, including installing the chat box:D she even did some of the links. heheh. save me all the trouble, making my life so much easier. Thanks loads charissa! since u know my password and everything i guess u still could post if u want :Y

oh, and, welcome dear readers! if i have any... hope i can keep this blog alive. the one me and charm have is sorta...dying. HEY, it isn't my fault. it's YOUR fault. because....well..urm... because it isn't mine:D i don't like being blamed. enjoy your stay homeys!


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