Back from Myanmarrr.

Boy, it's been a longg trip.

basically, i went with my parents to speak to the children workers there. They made me quote some scripture & share something about the youth today.

The meetings were great, except for the fact that the meeting place DIDN"T have air con. Like, OMC. imagine, a 150 children workers in a room with no air con, just fans.

And the fans were running on a generator most of the time, because Myanmar has horrrible electricity. Even our hotell, which was like, 5 min WALK form the INTERNATIONAL air port had to run on the generator the whole nite O.o which meant even the airport was running on generators.

That's how BAD Myanmar is. you can imagine the rest. Here's what i've learned about the country:

Everyone uses sarungs(especially men), excluding some youth, who wear jeans.

It's a tipping country, your forced to tip, or they won't leave you. Even if they helped you to carry only one box, you have to at least give them 1000 kyats-it's only RM 3, btw. Once, we already gave this guy 1000 kyats, and he refused to leave us. He just stood there, staring at us. so we were sorta FORCED to give him another 1000. then he left-.-

Most cars there are extremely old, because they get the cars from countries like singapore, who don't want they're cars anymore. Old cars means no air con. they just roll down their windscreen, which causes your hair to fly wildly, and your feet to sweat lk mad, because there's no wind blowing form under. and the air there is badly polluted, which makes it even WORSE.

Most cars there are white-.- i don't know whyy.

loads of children there where this thing on they're faces which look more like mud make-up than anything else. It's supposedly to cool your face.

There's lots of precious stones there, so practically, it's a very rich country. But all the money goes to the... you know what

Most of the people there are poor, besides the, you know who. There's a lot of people not having jobs.

To have internet there is extrememly ex. Even our hotel didn't have. which explains my absence from msn & bla. My dad managed to use the internet in the airport for 30 minutes. He allowed me to use it, but only if i shared with him. He wasn't willing to pay another 2US dollars for meD:After 25 mins of checking his mail, he asked me, Do you want to use it now? I'm like, forget it. i can't do anything in 5minutes. They have some internet cafes there, tho. so people go there to check they're mail & the youths go there for entertainment cos it's cheap-a few cents per hour, i think.

Our phones couldn't work there, seriously. there wasn't any signal. My dad had to buy the local sim, which only lasted 2-3 days. and, we only managed to call 5 times before it died in the middle of the 5th call. The sim was like 26 US dollars. so exxxx. And, we can't sms there eitheir. O.o Once the sim finishes, you have to buy a new one, and the number changes. I mean, how on earth do people keep tract of your new number that changes every week????

The main religion there is buddistsm, the most famous temple in yangon is plated with real gold. People buy thin gold sheets every year and paste it on the Pagoda or something. Apparently, it's quite thick already-like one inch of gold. What a waste of goldD:

The pork stew & nasi briyani there is the bessssttttt:P

The restaurants there are horribly lit. probably because they don't have enough electricity to make bright bulbs-.-

... i bet i kinda discouraged you all a fair bit from going there:P But still, it was a great experience. The meeting place was held at a christian blind school, so i gotta see some blind children walking around aimlessly. it's kinda creepy.

well, that's kind about it. i'm loking forward to the South Africa trip- capetown & Johansberg. It's cold thereO.o and i always though africa was hottt & full of people dying. And a place where missionaries always go, because a lot of the people there didn't hear about the gospel. The world cup is going to be held there this yearr too:P we're using the stadium for GDOP before the world cup:)

My parents don't allow me to stay for the world cupD: NOOOOO!


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