It won't be closed down, after all.

I decided against it. charrissa helped me change the blog skin again(she made sure there isn't crevices and skimpy women:P) still, i'm not letting my dad ever see my blog. EVER. She changed the url too, for safety purposes. well anyway, i haven't been updatin much so here is basiccally what happened in the week:

MOnday, went to sunway lagoon with elijah, naomi, toby & joyce:P we had loads of fun, found out that frenchies are kinda idiotic. I mean, they stole our tubes, which we had to PAY to rent it obviously. And after we made a real performance of oursleves, shouting and screaming at the french kids, their mum and some indian kids(not being racist),we managed to get our tubes back, we put it back in the same spot, and guess what? it got stolen, AGAIN. BY THEM. after that, we made sure that someone was always GUARDING the tubes. And still, one got stolen. don't ask me how me managed to find it man. it was with some arabic womanO.o When i spotted mine, i started screaming at the girl(who was about to go down the slide)the guard who was helping her just looked at me really blurly, then pushed the girl down the slide. BOy, was i fustrated. It was kinda the same with all of us. The boys got it back:P when toby found his tube with an indian girl, he was like

"HEYYYYY!!! that's my indian GIRLLL! that's my indian girl!"which...urm...sounded wrong. i replied sarcastically, "yeh....go to your GUY, you indian girl:P oh yeah...the frenchies tried to get revenge by cutting our line:P anyway...enough about the tubes.

Tuesday, went to desa wtr park with mostly the same people. just that joyce didn't come and emmanuel, joey and our 2 'supervisors/couple' came. MOst of the time our supersors were just smooching in the 'mushroom of love(the mushroom that pours down water)'. LOL, nah, i'm kidding, but they WERE sitting together under the mushroom anyhow:D yeah, had loads of fun, AGIAN, the wave pool was very much tiring...and i got the worst sunburns i ever got. it hurts, seriously. and it itches real bad too. and your skin peels. i should just have soaked myself in a pool of sunblock with like super U-V protection or something. Or i shud have used an astronaughts suit:P

WED,THURS& FRI, basically catching up with the 2 days of study that i missed, suffered from the DEADLY burns and aching arms from using to much energy.

SAt, destroyed my body just after it just recovered form the aches and burns. went rock climbing:P i managed to climb the SLANTED wall:D now, THAT is a real achievment. I still can't do the upside down one. In the climbing gym i saw this guy... who had like loads of muscle and was wearing a black singlet. there isn't anything wrong with that... it's juat that for a guy, he has extremely big breast. so it looks like a GUY, with CREVICES. and it's like sticking out of his singlet. GROSSSSS.well, that's pretty much my week! one of the awesomest weeks i ever had for a long time.


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