Sweet corn, i don't know what to write.

:/ School starts 2morrow. Not that it matters to a home schooling girl, but i won't getta go out with friends anymore, the shopping malls will be queiter, and life will go back to usual:( The last one's the worse>.< I don't like life when's it the same routine everyday. I WANT ADVENTURE:D Like, i wanna jump into a pond:p LOL, randomm.

Anw, I just went to watch toy story 3 on fri.With Caitlyn, joyce and her family:) It's pretty much awesome.My mom called me in the middle of the movie, and when i didn't answer(it was on silent) she sent me an sms and told me to call her IMMEDIATELY, you know why? NO. it wasn't becos my brother got in an accident. It was becos, she wanted to pray for me:/ In case i see bad things in the movie. C'MON mom, it's TOY STORY 3. how innocent can a show get? >.< lol. Andy's real cute when he's 18:P although i don't get why he's so attached to his dumb toys

Um,AND, i had this really weird dream like a month ago that charm and a couple of you guys started smoking. It was REALLLY weird. i was kinda freaked out. When i woke up the next day i had half a mind to ask charm whether she started smoking>.< rofl.

O YEAH. Vuvuzelas are sooo annoying. If you are watching the matches you'll understand. Gosh, they blow it through the entire match man. It sounds like bees. In the newspaper it came out that this guy had something wrong with his throught cos he blwe the thing to much>.< LOL. And the ppl in SA selling earplugs have like doubled in sales. Good for them O.o.


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