
Tweety bird is a boy:O random fact:) Anw, i was in SA for 2 weeks. It was awesomely, flantoozily fun:D Too many things happened:/ I might post some pics next year>.< i just went for like my 6th horse riding class in the morn. My leg's pain, as usual. It's always pain after horse riding class. Go try it youself and you'll know why. My dad bought me riding boots and riding hat:D Even though he bought the lower end ones it was RM 450 in total:@ Cos they're imported (nobody actually makes boots in Malaysia) World cup starts soon. In case it's not obvious enough>.< It's all over the papers and everywhere else. Malaysia has never entered the world cup, and i think they never will. cos, the malaysian team don't eat pigs. And without pigs, a football team is useless. :D random theory.


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