Just updates, to keep this thing alive.

Hey guys, i know i haven't been updating. it's not my fault! i actually tried updating and when i was nearly done it just blanks off like that:/ it's happenend a GAZILLION times. dem annoying. seriously.

Okay, so, i have no idea what to post about. I'll start from last week la. You know about the rape thing, that made cover news on the star and some random chinese newspaper? And they said that a kindergarten teacher screamed and blah like that? Yeah well, the kindergarten so happens to be my parent's one. FREAKY right:o my sis had about a million reporters asking her questions. Some of the parents thought that their child got kidnapped. Yeah imagine the havoc. want proof, go to thestaronline.tv you find the thing about the rape case and you'll see my sis there. evryone says i look like her, so it should be easy:D

Thenn, on monday i went for Sushi's party! With Cookie/biscuit amd Pie. ICE SKATING YO! and i didn fall a single time. i rock, yeahh? So anways, we had an awesome time, and while waiting we had fooodie and did some really stupid dares. And truths:D
I asked sushi whether she would ever marry a malay and she looked like she was gonna puke. Her reply? HELL NOOOO. I HAVE RACIST friends:/ sorry malays:D i on the other hand really love you:D (well actually it depends if your hot or not) ANW, after that we went to the desa park city to walk her hyper active, super friendly, totally crazy dog, joey:D PIE hates her. and i won the competition to who can keep the band on the longest:)4 days yo! i rock.Just a few more days and you'll be seeing fungus. So yeah, we had a good time.
If your wondering while we all have our little nicknames, it's just for fun
Sushi stands for Joanna Lee, the bday peep
Cheese stands for ME, that's just wayy to obvious:D
Pie stands for ashley
Biscuit/cookie stands for Zie, or lynn. same thing.

Hm. that's about it! oh yeah on thurs my parents had theyre school sports day. so cute seeing little fat chubby kids running around<3 and the so called security guy was doing everything but security. Most of the time he took on the role of a cheerleaderO.o lol.

He's really nice and since he was sitting next to me i just decided to be a good friend and give him some 'good' company:P

ME : hey, are you feeling hot?
Security guy : i guess you could say that.
ME : here this will help *sprays him with my beloved nike botel* still feeling hot?
Security guy : =.= that really helped, thank you.

HAHAH, he was a young chinese dude so it was okay:P i wouldn't do it on some old indian security man:O

And there was this really freaky prize giver who i think scared the children out of they're wits. cos the children are soo short right, he bends down and stares at them with his big bubbly fish eyes, Then he says in this really weird accent "HELLLOOO, WELL DONEE" and gives the trophy. You should have seen they're faces. they were epic:P None of them said thank you. they looked too shocked:P

That's all! bye peeps. xoxo


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