Ungrateful poopheads.

Hawrlo! Cool word, huh? :D Anw, my minds going blank and i can't think of anything to write:/ except, that i've been eating a LOT. seriously. I know, we're supposed to be fasting and all that, but i DO fast. i just eat a lot more for the NEXT meal:D plus biscuits and ice cream etc.. OH YEAH! you have to try Snickers ice cream. It's FULL OF calories. Just imagine, all the nice flabby fats! boing:D Seriously, it's heaven. As in, the ice cream. i was just being sarcastic bout the fats. But i HAVE grown fatter, and i'm not allowing you to argue about that.

AND, i'm super exited about next week. Okay, maybe not SUPER exicted(cos i've been there like 5 times this year) but, happy:) I'm going to sunway lagooney! Squeek! EEK! KYAAA! With like Sushi, Sheena and maybe Julia. i'm totally looking forward to the Tomahawk.

Joyce is in sunway lagoon, now. i was supposed to follow her but i ditched her:D heh. So now she's stuck with her ungrateful scairdy friend (who's a bit like her-no off-excpt for the height.


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