Yo peeps. You know, this time of year really sucks, even though i'm home-shooled now.Final year exams. Not that it matters much to me, BUT. There's like no one online. Nothing exciting happens on FB. and when nothing exciting happens online, My whole life seems to be a whole lot worse. D: Hm. Um...oh yeah! christmas is like 2 months away yo! GOD I LOVE CHRISTMAS.Like, everything about it. (Well okay i admit it's mostly for the presents but, nobody should know that or else they'll think i'm selchicken:P) I know you guys prob won't get any of the stuff I really want cos they're really ex and i would never get a present like that for you eitheir :D Just so you know, just in case you do get me one of those stuff, don't expect anything back. Besides me thanking you about a million times and maybe suffocating you to death from excitement.

So here's my list. (I know i'm putting this way early, but unusual things do happen when your bored)

1: Go to school/homeschool centre
2: Earth!
3: Iphone 10 :D -when it comes out
4: Ipad
5: Superman,baby milo, spongebob, cheer you up, that monkey paul frank shirt/jumper
6: Clothes, shoes and blah
7: A cool board game
8: Laptop
9: Camera
10: Visit the moon
11: Paint my wall red
12: Talk to at least one random person
13: Planet SATURN! :D I love those ring stuff around it. THAT IS SATURN, RIGHT? O.o
14: Throw a slice of cheese at my brother

Ignore my weird-ness. You should just skip 10-14 :P

kk thx BYE. Oh yeah i hope i can go for nobel's class party. It'll be awesome to see those peeps again :D


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