uh, sorreh? :D

Um. well.. uh.. i know i promised (in my last post) that i'll write about my birthday 'later'. Well, it's porbably been a few thousand hours since THAT post so i guess it's still counted as later, eh? :D Now i can't even remember what happened during my birthday :o Geh since i promised i'll just give a really short summary that lacks details. if you really have too, you can imagine what happened, although it won't be accurate:P

First : water ballooon attack.
Second: big A&W bear
Third: cake
fourth: presents -oh yeah joyce's parents got me a shirt that looks like it has the F*** word in it :o i'll show it to you sometime:P

That's all i can remember:/ so yeah, i got some other pressies from other ppl but nothing in paricular which is anything blog worthy.

More importantly, I was banned for 3 days from that oh-so-familiar blue page. You know, the relative of feetbook. It's a long story. It'll pro bore you to death. but basically, it was my brother's fault, and also avatar and twilight. Yeah, that probably doesn't make sense to you but whatever. i explained it to too many ppl that i'm getting sick of the story.

But the results of that incident caused like loads of side effects. It's sorta like an earthquake. Firstly, now my whole family is stlaking me on fb. Just wonderful. I'm not supposed to like anything like avatar or twilight or other useless junk. (i had to delete most of my likes) I can only send 300 smses a month. like, 10 a day. and if i exceed that twice i'm a goner. Phone suspended. BOOM. i think they think i'm some sort of rebel now and their gonna be a lot more careful with everything i'm allowed to do. And my chances of ever going back to school is dropping.

yeah, sucky things in life:/

But Nobody's life can just have bad things right? The good things that ae happening to me are no way near getting banned from the one website you love most for 3DAYS though. but ANYWAY.

here's some:

I might stop my violin lessons! weeee<3 these are the moments you really love your parents. :D
My birthday 'party' is coming this saturday, i don't know how it will turn out, but i guess things with your friends never really goes wrong. This friday i might be going to a friend's house to do random stuff, i guess that's counted as good too. Oh and then i'll be going rock climbing with my bro and sushi(probably) DEFINITELY GOOD(: (yeah for this i sorta forgive my bro for doing you-know-what to me. i love rocks. i mean, climbing them.

well whatever. BYE FOR NOW

PS: my nex post will prob be in 5 days so check in again then.


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