Hmmm, this is life.

I THINK I SHOULD HIRE SOMEONE TO MAKE BLOGTITLES FOR ME D: Oh wells. Things have been running pretty smooth. Everything is where it should be( In life that is, not my room). Facebook has been getting boring-er. And twitter. That is why I am ranting to you no :D There's probably only all those scary blogwalkers who are reading this and very few actual friends. Sad :P Hahaha. Well, since you're prob bored too, you can hear about my life :D

On sat went for planetshakers!! They were super awesomeee. Took FOREVER to find Jo. Prob cos her super tall friend was blocking everything. The only reason I found her was becos I saw her jumping up and down and screaming like only she does xD We got super great seats :D The music was awesome. Jumped like crazy. But then I had to pee. And someone didn't save us a seat. But nvm. We shared a seat on like row 100 or something. The speaker was hilarious! And he does THE BEST donald duck imitations.

Oh no I gotta go. hahha this happens a lot, you see. Until next time, ciao!


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