
Crap. I just realised something. My age under my info is still 13. And I don't know how to change it. ughh. I'm so bad in all this computerhtmlcodesblabla stuff ): I wanna change my blogskin too. But I don't know how ._. UGHHH.

Anw. this wasn't meant to be an emo post about my lack of computer skills. It was supposed to be about. about. Ohnoo, Now I don't know what I wanted to say.

sigh. well things have been kinda boringg. It seems everyone is online nowadays tho, now that exams are over and all. And everyone seems bored too :P I'm in good company (;
And suddenly everyone is posting pictures and sharing it on FB. All these trends..

I'm hungry ): OkayIgonowladunnowhattosaybai.


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