Life. bittersweet.

So, topical tests are over. Did okayish, except for english. Got a bit of a lecture about that today. I guess I kind of deserved it. I've been feeling quite down lately. Things in school, people in school and at home/church....meh.

Anyway. My bro's Korean American friend, Ben came to stay over for a few days. The days he was here was pretty interesting. He made a song for my kitties and prayed for them while rolling them around hahahahh. I've been actually really encouraged and inspired by him. He has an amazing testimony, being a pastor's kid and becoming invovled in gangs and drug leading until God came and changed his life. He's so a good way. He'll suddenly just burst out in tongues and talking to Jesus to people in malls and stuff. When I come back from school, he'll be worshipping and playing guitar for hours in his room. He asked us to join him in prayer sometimes and man, his prayers were intense. I love the passion that he has for Jesus, not many people have that. He prayed for me and his prayer has been repeating itself over and over again in my head. One of the things he prayed was that I would find full security in Christ, which I really need since i've been feeling so insecure. He's with my bro in Penang now, coming back on sat before he leaves to singapre :c

Nat came over to see my kitties yesterday (: Her family came in to see them for awhile too. I think her mom and dad likes the kittens more than her :3 I'm still kind of struggling with my will to give them away D:

It was Hannah's birthday today! If you're reading this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! I LOVE YOU. Gave her a shirt that I hand-painted (: Didn't turn out as nice as i wanted it to, but good for a first try i guess (: Quite pleased that she likes it.

I'm attracted to nice smelling people....because of their different genes.
I wish I had a nice smell.

Jo and Lynnieboo's birthdays are coming soon! Can't wait for saturday c: I think I'm going to be watching ice age while all the rest watch batman tho. hahah i'm sucha kid.

Oh and the 400m running thing for sports day got cancelled cos they couldn't get a round field or somthing. Quite dissapointed, cos i've been training quite a bit. But i'm better at sprinting anyways, so okay.

Yup, that's just bittersweet life. bye (:


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