Look who's blogging atfer two months yo! Okay okay brief recap of what I have been doing in these two months:

  • become a grandmother....of five kittens!
  • observe the kittens
  • try not to die/faint/sigh every 5 seconds at my kittens
  • tell casper how proud I am of her
  • go to school
  • play with my kittens
  • pour all my soul and devotion to my kittens
I can't put them now cos i'm actually supposed to be studying for topical tests which are in...5 days? ahaha what am i doing on blogger? My ipod is hibernating with my dad to help me study. The only thing is that my dad's guchi ninja skills aren't the most amazing and I found it in his cupboard under some namecards within a few minutes. Or maybe my seeking skills are just great you know. So anyway it actually has helped and i've only touched my ipod twice in these two days. Pretty impressive if I must say so myself.

I'm getting pretty freaked out about living in DJ. Anyone wants to adopt a fabulous fun sized girl who can't cook? ^^ The reason i'm so freeeeeeeked is that there was half a body found somewhere in the drain nearby. SO DISGUSTING. AND HIS JEANS AREN'T NICE I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY (if anyone from my class is reading this you'll get it lol) Today there were wailing siren police cars speeding around our neighbourhood for pretty long. I think they were trying to chase after the guy who cute the person in half or smth. i was so creeeped out cos what if the guy was running from the police and jumped into our house to hide and even worse TAKE MY KITTENSSS? D:::::D::::: haix.

My brother is coming back in two days!! unbelievable excitement. Missed him to a million shredded cheese. 

I'm so unfit for sport's day.

Joy might be coming to cheer for me during sports day WOOO! I have my own fanbase i'm so great whoop 



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