
Showing posts from 2015

Give me a high 5 for 2015

My blog has become a place wherein I tell you about one year, and the things I look forward to in the next. so imma get right into it. College for me this year: So this year I started my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. I was really looking forward to college at the beginning of this year. After like 2 weeks, that excitement died down. I was kindof bored for 3 months, as my intake only had 9 people, and I felt a little sad that the A-level and AUSMAT students in my college seemed to be having all the fun. I felt like, oh my god, I walk around college and I know nobody...tis is sad... But then the new ECE intake came in and it felt much better to have more people to talk to. I also joined CF, helped in CF camp and in some other cf revo initiatives. There was also the Acts revo group that did a whole bunch of stuff to bless MCKL students. Things I'm looking forward to in college next year: Being vice-president of the Early Childhood Society. I haven't had many le...


Its the new year! New year, New start, new friendships, new experiences, i'm looking forward to them all. But before diving into this whole new crazy year, let me review the highlights and crazy things I enjoyed from 2014. 1. Working in the kindi from January-April The kids were totally cute. 2. YWAM DTS. My missions adventure! There's so many things I could say about the 6 months I spent with Youth With A Mission, but to put it in simplest form, its the best thing that has happened to me in my 17 years of life. God taught me so much, He really changed my way of thinking and looking at life. The biggest thing i think that I got out of this was learning to recognize His voice and obeying it. I got to see God absolutely transform people, and see so many things that many others don't. When you see people suffering in dire poverty in India, you really realise the important things in life and treasure everything you have. One of the other really big things that happene...