Hello, world!
It's been a long time since I last blogged. Christmas has passed. How was mine? I would say mine was pretty nice. I mean, nothing particularly exciting happened, but nothing bad happened eithier. So it was...nice. Just nice (: I got more christmas presents last year though. Sad. But my parents got me an ipodtouch! :D HEHEHE. Oh talking about my ipod, I'm trying to figure out how to download music into it. Shuddap k I know I suck at these gadgets things but I'm learning. NYEH. I haven't practiced my piano for like 2 whole months. I feel so guilty... sighh ):

ANYWAYS, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know I'm three days late but it doesn't matter :D So it's 2012. Can't believe how time passes so quickly. So how did 2011 treat me?

It treated me.....


I didn't achieve much. I wasted too much time lazing around. And of course facebook didn't help much :l But at the same time good memories were made, and I went through some situations that have made me stronger. I would say this year was a very...mixed emotions year. Does that make sense? :P I'm too lazy to explain.

But anyway, what's gone is gone. It's a new year! Fresh new start. New school, new experiences, new things to learn. OH YEAH, I haven't wrote my new year resolutions yet!

1.Get up early to do quiet times everyday (so far I have passed) :D
2.Get average/higher than average marks on all my subjects in school
3.Do my piano grade 5 exam end of this year/ early 2013
4.Share the gospel/ God's love to at least three people

So, what do you think? :P It's my first time I'm really making resolutions and planning to take them seriously. Sigh, seems like life was so much easier when I was younger.

ANYWAY. TOMORROW SCHOOL STARTS! Well orietation, anyway. Nervousss. and excited. BACK TO SCHOOL LIFE YO! I miss whispering, teasing teachers, complaining about school food, falling asleep in class...etc. Home schooling has robbed me of all these joys! D; haha nah, Im glad I had these two years of homeschooling (:

I was thinking of wearing purple skinnies tom. I'm weird like that xD I STILL NEED TO GET A BACKPACK 4 SCHOOL! AHHHHH.



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