So, lessons have started! BACK TO SCHOOL LIFE. I kinda felt happy doing all those stuff that I did last year. Like eating in a canteen, looking at the clock waiting for the class to end, copying answers...etc. Homework and all that too.
SO ANYWAY, we've had all our main classes already. Chemistry, Physics, Add Math, Math, English. We haven't had BM & Drama. Apparently Drama is pretty much nothing but free time so yeah :P Our Math teacher is a but boring, but okay la. Our Chemistry teacher sounds like she's telling a story to a bunch of little kids except she's actually teaching a bunch of teenagers about particles. And she pronounces atom as A-tom.THAT'S JUST WRONG MAN D; But she's nice enough (: English teacher is awesome :D Add math and Pysics teacher is awesome too :D MR SIVAAA. hahah, heard a lot about him from the previous students. I'm in Year 9, and the class is pretty small. There's only 12 of us. 10 science, 2 art. Our class was pretty quiet at first. Now it's not so bad. But i bet in like a week's time we'll be noiser. I think i spelt that wrong. Psshht, who cares. Not like my english teacher is gonna stalk me :P ...I hope. So, I went through all my books (kinda) and I know i'm gonna be stressed this year. I KNOW IT ): haizz, I'll have to work hard. I need to do homework now :/ Ugh, this school routine again. THIS IS LIFE



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