Sugar, spice, and everything nice.

HULLO. The reason for the random blog title is that we were learning too much about glucose/glycogen and other stuff during bio :/
I just realised that I haven't been blogging much. But I never did anyway. :P

OH AND HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR everyone! Got so little money this year .___. I got nearly double last year! UGH. And the fireworks have been annoying as an orange ._. In conclusion, chinese new year so far has been sucky. And obviously I've been eating too much, I'm sure you other chinese slit eyed people will know.

School has been pretty good so far. FUNFUNFUN :D My classmates are such weirdos tho. And by my classmates I really just mean Han and Mike :b I mean, we even made us some really gay gay handshake. It's SO GAY D; First you do two waves then you high 5. A bit like this ~~/. AHAHAHA IT LOOKS EVEN WORSE ON A SCREEN xD We taught Mr.Ken to do it too. Actually I did :D MR KEN SO FUN TO ANNOY LA HAHA.

Omaigoodness, did I tell you that I found out he was my bro's classmate? No I have not. GOSH NOW I'M ANSWERING MY SELF! SAD LIFE. Anyway, Philip told me that Mr.Ken used to study in DJ and might know Japh. So I asked him and turns out they were classmates! SO FREAKKY. But cool.

Oh and James showed me the cheat for temple run today. No wonder he got 9 mil :3 I tried it myself but it doesn't seem to work. Meh. I'm still pretty proud of my 2mil that I got HONESTLY tho :D

OH AND I WENT LASER TAG AND BOWLING yesterday with my friends from Aussie! It was sho fun. But it was just three of us in that huge ass laser tag place, and it was a bit awkward at first. At first we couldn't find each other -.- And once we did we pretty much started walking around together cos they were freaked out of all the glow in the dark drawing monster stuff :P We managed to find that dinosaur killing baby thing that I was trying to find last time :D It kept saying "NOT MY BABIES!! STOP!! NOW YOU'LL FEEL MY WRATH" in this really fake scary voice xD I sucked at bowling, as usually. Played two rounds, got one strike and a spare, around 50+ for both rounds. SEDIH LIFE.

Ah I should study now. Tis' the only bad part about school ):



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