Johor and MAXIMUS :D

HEY THERE:D I think the reason less ppl are reading my blog is because i took of the link from FB ): But i can't put it back, cos my dad stalks my profile. I mean, SERIOUSLY. He goes through ALL my likes. I used to have like 600 over but he made me delete till 200, and i'm not allowed to like anymore. Yeah, weird parents. But it's not that much of a big deal, besides the point that i now know my dad stalks my profile. VERY SCARY YA KNOW. What if i do something in secret? and i accidentally post it as my status? I WOULD BE DOOMEDDD. That's why i hardly do things in secret anymore. eheh, HARDLY:P Imma good girl.

ANYWAY, I went totally out of topic. so about Johor. was.. good :D First 3 days we stayed in sum1's apartment and the next 3 days in some jungle-ish area. The apartment was awesome, besides the point that the dude didn't have astro. So i watched iceage3. The first few minutes without sound, cos my dad couldn't figure it out>.< He had a ukele:D And lots of junk food, but i didn't eat it. Instead i ate grapes. See, now i'm a good AND healthy girl. nah, i was just lazy to open the wrapping. So much easier to pluck.

Then in that jungle place :D The reason we were actually there was becos my parents were invited to conduct a children's prayer camp. AND EVERYONE IN JOHOR SPEAKS CHINESE :o But i found some(well actually just 2) ppl who speak English, like, normally without that chinese accent. So yeah, I pretty much stuck to them the whole time:D But during team games i HAD to discuss with my teamates, so i did. The dude was like pointing to the map, looking at me and saying something like chingchangchong kingyalong blah blah chinese stuff. Not only him. loads of other ppl too. So i have to stare at them blurly and ask them to speak english. Then they're like, OH. Uh...and they TRY to explain in english, with their grammar totally mixed up and in their weird chinese accent :o But my group won in the end, so yeah :D

There were some ppl who i still remember, becos of their names or just how they look.

here's some.

Guy 1: He's extremely fair. No joke. He's like...WHITE. like..Cullen. He actually looks a bit like edward. And he has like a JB haircut. O.O really weird combination. I'm not going to put his name, though:D I call him, the Albino.

Guy2: He looks so much like Justin gan. Just, shorter.

Guy3: His name sounds like Vitagen. Just that the 't' is changed to 'v'. Unfortuantely, he doesn't look like a vitagen at all:( firstly, he's indian. And..vitagen hasn't come out with BLACK juice yet. ehehhe. And, he's tall and skinny. Vitagens are supposed to be short and fat. It would have been nice if he was purple short and fat:D I love purple vitagen.

I had to share something there too, i was really nervous at first:D But the feeling after you've done it is pretty awesome. I was praying like mad:P

Oh yeah, and MAXIMUSSSS <3 i wish horses like that actually exist.
AND. AGENTS OF SECRET STUFF. You just have to watch that :P by nigahiga on youtube.

"Do you want to get poisoned?? And fat?"

Watch it, and you'll understand :D Nigahiga for the win!


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