Melacca and other things (:

HEY! i haven't posted for quite awhile. Here's a recap of some things i've done in the past few days of wearing collared shirts and long brown skirts :/

So, we went there like on wednesday night i think? Yeah, but the prgram started on thursday morn.

It was okay-ish. Some of the testimonies and all were pretty cool. BUT the people there were really weird. seriosly. It's as if nearly all home schoolers have somehting wrong with themselves. I guess that could include me too :P BUT THEY'RE EVEN WORSE THAN ME. Pretty hard to imagaine, huh? They're eitheir extremely anti-social, over friendly, hyper-active or just have a weird way of talking/wlaking/ breathing/ sitting.. etc. And those who are NOT weird have at least gone for some normal kindergarten or public tution. ANYWAY, enough about my complaints :D

The second day we had a day outdoors. Really hot. Btw, this conference is led by this group of really nice white ppl. I'm not being racist. I LOVE WHITE PPL. And black. and pink. and blue. ORANGE are the best though :D so anyway, we played games with water baloons and stuff like that. And in the middle of our games they'll give us serious talks in the outdoors with all the monkyes and stuff. I don't htink many of us were paying attention, really :P But, I WAS. I'm such a good girl (: Although, i think common sense can actually teach me just as well as they did:/ Here's one part of their lecture:

Mr Farr: Some of those young men are going to grow to become wise, strong, godly men. And, when they grow up they're not going to want to marry stupid, silly girls.

Yeah, I totally did not know that guys wouldn't marry stupid girls before this conference. *rolls eyes*

But, all in all, it was a pretty nice conference. Got some new friends and stuff.

Now i'm attending some other conference. But, i'll tell you about i some other time :P BTW. the extreme 6 cheesy pizza is pretty good :P

byeeee. mua


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