Stuff (:

Blogwalkers are cool. They keep my chatbox alive. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Although the chances of me actually visitng your blog is kinda low, it's good that your trying:D

You know, i REALLY want to meet a lot of ppl.
But at the top of the list, Nigahiga:D heheh.
Then, Kevjumba. It's super awesome when they make vids together. Then there's a whole bunch of celebs that i wouldn't mind meeting eitheir.

But anyway, about the mother-daughter conference/ everything else blog worthy:

So, the mother daughter thing was like ages ago. Like, Last week or something. It was. Okay. Scary. Awkward. Weird. Yeah, a mixture of those four adjectives. It was scary because after brainwashing our mum's with idk what, all the mom's started hugging us. As in, all the mothers started hugging THEIR daughters. Not random ppl hugging random kids:p THAT WOULD BE REALLY FREAKY. And then, they made us like sit in front of our moms and talk for like one hour. Very awkward:/ And then during lunch they didn't allow us to sit with our friends. so all the tables in the restaurant were full of one-on-one ppl on each table staring at each other randomly.
And it wasn't really that fun, besides the point that i learned to make tissue paper flowers out of expensive royal gold tissues :P But some of my friends from that OTHER conference was there so that was cool.

Then Me and some other 'outsiders' went to sri nobel to play netball. First time playing this year. The last time i played was in sri nobel LAST year:P Total sadness. It was a awesome game, and flo bought us all mc'ds. LOVE HER<3 We really should do this oftener:D it's pretty cool that i'm still in contact with all you peeps.

Yesterday and half of today i was in glory place. It's this sort of a jungle place owned by my pastor. Went with my bro to, seek god. And i wasn't supposed to eat. I spent most of today thinking about food:P IT'S HORRIBLE. I mean, i actually felt WEAK. and i felt like sleeping. And when i walked i felt like falling. I never knew food was that important>.< I had chewing gum, though:D i think that's the only reason i'm still alive. The minute i came back i headed straight for the frindge and had the most tastiest Peanut butter and jam sadwich i ever had in my whole life. It's going to be awhile before i try starving myself again. I wonder how my bro is surviving. He's still there. Good thing i came home with my mum:P AND I DON'T THINK HE EVEN HAS CHEWING GUM :o and her eats more than me. Poor him :/ oh yeah, they have two geese there. and loads of durian trees. The goose's feathers are really soft and awesome:D random fact. It was okay. Kinda boring, but good.

yup yup, i'm done. kbaii


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