
Heyoo guys! Uh, i''m honestly really lazy to update but i guess i should before i go for that 3-day conference. About the conference, i wasn't really really given a choice so i have to go. We have to wear Collared shirts and long skirts:/ Any place that makes ppl wear long skirts would somehow be related to homeschoolers. Seriosuly. HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OF A CONFERENCE FORCING PPL TO WEAR COLLARED SHIRTS AND LONG SKIRTS? But some of my friends are going. That makes things a lil' more bearable. So yeahm, you prob won't hear from me for 3 days online. 3 days without internet is like a year without rain. Oh wait. That's a song. ANW, I LOVE RELIENT-K. THEY ARE AWESOME :D You should hear the song : crayons can melt on us for all i care. But they have better songs too. I'll post them up one day. My bro gave me a whole album! weee.


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